The first Death Star may have been destroyed, but the Empire will strike back. Mandy is still alive, and the puny Alliance is no match for the power of the Dark Side.
Have faith. America survived (just) 8 years of Dubya, so 3 of Clameregg should be a breeze. And with a Miliband able to lead in opposition (read: shooting down government policies without having to do any actual thinking, like the condems have done for 13 years), and Darth Mandelson gutting things in Lords, it might be kinda fun to watch the Coalition disintegrate and Labour regain its position as people's champion. Clegg has shown his political immaturity, and it will cost him and his party for generations, when both Red and Blue unite in attacking them before the next election. Better to have one enemy than two, and Clegg is now effectively Salacious Crumb to Cameron's Jabba.
Enough Star Wars metaphors, now. Just try to get through it, and give money to the Labour Party. Close ranks and support whoever the new leader winds up being. At least it won't be
Have faith. America survived (just) 8 years of Dubya, so 3 of Clameregg should be a breeze. And with a Miliband able to lead in opposition (read: shooting down government policies without having to do any actual thinking, like the condems have done for 13 years), and Darth Mandelson gutting things in Lords, it might be kinda fun to watch the Coalition disintegrate and Labour regain its position as people's champion. Clegg has shown his political immaturity, and it will cost him and his party for generations, when both Red and Blue unite in attacking them before the next election. Better to have one enemy than two, and Clegg is now effectively Salacious Crumb to Cameron's Jabba.
Enough Star Wars metaphors, now. Just try to get through it, and give money to the Labour Party. Close ranks and support whoever the new leader winds up being. At least it won't be
You are rad.
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