Mar 15, 2007 02:06
Oh, it has been too long since I’ve posted a review. But this one seemed to leap from my fingers, so posting I am.
Or, don’t put all your rescue notes on one Bird Leg
Well, it was kind of fun to revisit in the Land of Bad Flashback Hair. I do know a local costume shop with more convincing wigs than Claire’s. But, hey. Must all be part of some master plan.
Whatta shocker - Christian is Claire’s father! And he’s been doing right by her financially all these years! He’s not such a bad guy after all! More of a shocker - Claire really did learn about bird tagging from TV nature shows! I thought it was going to be some unexpected fact, such as, she may look like a dumb pretty blond (seriously - has anyone on the show got more beautiful eyes than Claire?), but in fact she’s got a PhD in ornithology, specializing in the habits of migrating seagulls. No such interesting luck.
Okay, as long as I’m ranting about the bird theme, the bird Jin, Sun, and Claire were about to catch, with a net, in an elaborate trap, was NOWHERE NEAR the fatal rocks where Desmond “saw” Charlie “die.” Since they were only catching one bird, as it turned out, rather than the logical many, why did Desmond feel the need to shoot right then and there? And why was it a one-shot deal? Are birds so smart that they were now permanently scared off going for the bait in that location? No, the one bird felt safer nestling in the rocks waiting for Desmond to scoop it up. I don’t think so.
Nuff said on the Claire theme. Was worth hanging out at that beach just to watch Sawyer 1) read and 2) not say nicknames.
But what made the whole show worthwhile for me, what made me think, Wow, what a great episode, was the very last scene. Truly an effective shocker, happy Jack tossing the pigskin with Zeke. And lots of nice Sayid shots. And Locke, he’s always one of the most interesting characters to me. And Patches, he was another great Bad Guy. So, when the show ended on that Whoa! (to me anyway) note, my gut reaction was, Wow! What a great episode! Then turned to my son, adding, well, except for the Claire stuff, and he agreed, “Yeah.”
And thanks, friends, for the love meme notes. I miss you too!