Amazon Kindle Worlds Fan Fiction Project. Write and sell fan fiction!

Jun 04, 2013 19:34

First of all I just want to say HI! to you all. I haven’t written anything for such a long time, but that’s not to say I’m not still passionate about the Fandom… I love you guys, but RL has taken hold and I have had other priorities and projects. I’m really hoping that season 9 will inspire me to get back on the bandwagon. I am going to J2LA in November and would really love to catch up with any of you who are attending also. Please drop me a comment if you are.

The reason I am posting today is because of one of those ‘other’ projects. Not specifically Supernatural, however it is way in the ballpark.

I am now involved with a new website called FANDOMIZE There is also a Face Book page, which can be found HERE

Fandomize is a celebration of all things fandom. From the charity works to the SOS campaigns, art, music, film and YES even fiction! Please check it out and show some support.

We’re just starting out and are now doing “fandom” podcasts. If you have ever wanted to write fanfiction and get paid to do it, then this is the podcast for you. Amazon have opened the doors to fanfiction and I suspect they won’t know what hit them. It's not in our fandom YET, but that's not to say it won't happen. :)

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fan fiction, fandom, amazon

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