My 10 Days In London. G. (:See warnings before you watch:)

Jan 08, 2009 16:51

Summary: Sept. 2008, I spent 10 days altogether in London. The first Five days alone and then I went to Cardiff in search of Torchwood.

I returned to London to meet up with a friend. We had rented a house for a week and we planned on being the tourists from hell and have a lot fun along the way. *winks*

This is what happened...

Song: Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.
Vidder: Bethany16 aka Zenamydog
Rating: *Shock/Horror! ... It’s rated G...
Warnings: Totally not Supernatural related and only mildly Torchwood with a few pics of JB.

All still, JB photos are mine, so please, do not reproduces elsewhere.

Oh My God!!!! I just uploaded this to Youtube and within 5 minites they pulled it down because of music copywrite. 'They' being Youtube!

So... I switched to Imeem. *grins*

Thanks all for watching!



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