Oct 28, 2006 18:31
Hello Luvs!
So, I'm studying for Gastro-intestinal Biochem (trust me, more fun than a barrel of monkeys going through ketoacidosis) and needed a break.
Last night we had a halloween party, and it was awesome! This year, a large group of us went as members of Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2. I was/am Pai Mei (the bride's sensei). How cool is that?!?!?!?! Seriously you guys, my costume rocked my socks off. All of our costumes were wayyyyyyyyyy hot!
Me: Pai Mei
Kristen R.: O-ren Ishii
Lindy: The Bride (Kiddo)
Stacey: GoGo
Craig: Bill
Kristen M.: Sophie Fatale
Megan: The Pussy Wagon
Hannah: Elle Driver
Seriously, we rocked so much! Hard core! We have tons of pics!
I looked so OLD! Lemme just say, when I'm 150 years old, I'll still be cute and still kick butt.
Oh, it was so exciting! I may go out to Carlotta Street festival tonight, depending on how much more notes I get done (they just keep coming! Ack Ack!)
Oh, and yesterday we had another fresh-tissue lab in anatomy, this time the thoracic viscera (heart, lungs, etc). Seriously, we had way too much fun with that. We made a valentine's day card. You'll love it!
Love to you all,