True, this might be overkill in the way of making up for lost time, but I got excited, ok??
This is my newly named character Merle (meaning blackbird) from my newest project entitled "Paper Flowers". Its to be a 6 minute animated feature done in Flash and a variety of other software as the main project for my Computer GFX Independant Study next year.
The story revolves around Merle being hit by a bus and falls comatose. Most of the film will be exhibitting her life inside her own head and the world that she builds for herself with her imagination. But, the conflict is when she comes to the understandng that that world is not real, and her fight to come back to our world.
Numerous studies have been conducted to try to understand what happens to a person when in a coma and how they come out, but no one knows for sure. So, of course, I get to have fun ^___^
Anyway, less talk, more picture: