Apr 09, 2002 10:57
Yesterday was just a bleary, blah day. Just before I was going to leave for work in the morning, I decided I had 5 minutes to go out and fill the bird feeder. I grabbed the seed container and headed out the patio door in my bare feet.
Seems that the "deck" in the backyard has some kind of slimey layer on it when soaked. I had one of those falls where every part of your body goes in a different direction, you wrench every joint, and manage to smack both your knee AND the opposing elbow hard on the ground. There's a huge spray of bird seed across the backyard from where the container flew open as I flung an arm out. I had birdseed in my hair and slime-smears all over my outfit. I limped upstairs, changed quickly and headed to work. Screw the birds, they can eat whatever got flung all over the deck for today.