Oct 29, 2006 14:10
Fill it out. Post it. If you don't, Jewish Ninjas will beat you unconcious with Koran-nunchucks and then leave you in the desert naked with a seasones live chicken stapled to your head and a thousand KFC addicts languishing nearby.
1. What kind of a freak are you?
not the kind with a chicken stapled to his head
2. What kind of a freak would you like to be?
the third kind
3. I am:
a. A Gamer
b. A Lamer.
c. A Monkey-Butt Tamer.
d. From Barcelona.
E. All of these
4. What's your record for recieving orgasms in a 24 hour period?
5. What's your record for giving orgasms in a 24 hour period?
Hard to say. How do you count multiples?
6. God is:
a. A ghost, a guy, and his Dad.
b. Cuthulu-Ickth yaga! Ia ia!
c. A sponge.
d. Your mom last night.
e. All of the above.
7. Describe your bedroom.
It's got a bunch of stuff in it. And a bed.
8. Describe your bedroom after that crazed hairy man wearing pink vinyl and half a gallon of lube with an unwholsome affection for inanimate objects you own did to it.
Um, I am that guy...
9. Do you like paint?
not really
10. And paste?
11. Paste and paint together?
In what context?
12. Do you have any Irish in you? (If no, want some? If yes, want some more?)
Yes. No.
13. Quote the worst pick up line you have ever actually heard being used.
"You know, according to Marie Claire, Pete has a body built for serious loving" (thank you, Kevin)
14. Quote a pick up line that might actually work on you.
"You're sleeping with me tonight"
15. Name three South African Countries and their capitols. No cheating, and they have to be spelled correctly. If you fail you must become my personal slave.
I'm not giving any hints to you people.
16. Now that 75% of you are my personal slaves, what are you going to do to serve me? (Oh, yea, and 23% of those of you who passed; you cheated. You're still my slave.)
I will bring you ice cream cookie sandwiches.
17. Alan is:
a. So cool he makes dry ice shiver.
b. If lame where a noun, it would be him.
c. Your Daddy.
d. There is no Alan, only Zoul.
e. 60% Glocose, 20% Monosodium Glutimate, 5% Yellow Number Five, 5% Partially Hydroginated Soybean Oil, 10% Natural Flavors.
18. Live goat. T
19. Sex. F
20. Beer coasters. F
21. Social Life. T
22. Friends. T
23. Ducks. F
24. Chicken Of The Sea. T
25. If I has a superpower, it would be:
a. The ability to detonate myself at will!
b. Summon television celebrities from the 1940's!
c. Transform my head into any known vehicle!
d. Ham sandwitch!
26. Describe your most bizarre intimate fantasy. (It needn't be sexual, although I doubt many would mind.)
27. Your SO could of had you at:
a. Hello
b. The Ghost Of Christmas Past.
c. After that thing he/she did with their tongue.
d. n/a
e. Once I got too tired of them stalking me.
28. You where just transformed into a Pokemon creature. Describe yourself.
A blue chipmonk with green and yellow stripes and moose antlers
29. How many ninjas can you take on single-handedly?
Are these love ninjas, or the regular kind?
30. What's your Fatality Move?
I lick my opponents finger and stick it in their own ear
31. WoW is:
a. My life.
b. Your life.
c. Life?
d. WoW, as in, "oh my gosh?"
(add 2 questions of your own, and post!)
32. Why is "Rhodesia" called "Rhodesia"?
33. What is the integral of (dcabin)/(cabin)?