As promised, here's a bunch of random photos I've taken throughout my recent trip to Japan.
Warning #1: LOTS of random huge photos behind cut - high bandwidth required - It might take forever to load if you're on dial up (sorry!). I preferred to keep them large because they would lose their charm otherwise.
Warning #2: Some of these photos are really bad. All of them were unedited.
For this post, I am going to concentrate on urban photos (with a few occasional temple ones).
Traditional wedding in Yoyogi Park.
TIFF... AKA Toronto International Film Festival -- stolen acronym. ;)
The lobby of our first hotel.
I just love those trees.
NOTE: If you ever see that guy, don't tell him that I posted his photo here, ok? ;)
Should be enough for now... I have tons more that I might post later if you guys are interested (I will only bother if it interests people because it's a lot of work for me to sort them out). :P