Nov 02, 2008 17:14
"La tierra debía convertirse en oro en ese instante; yo también, no solo los muros y la ciudad, las torres, el atrio y las fachadas que había visto.
"La voz de la campana resurgía. Y me pareció ver, frente a mi, la imagen de mis protectores, los alcaldes indios: don Maywa y don Víctor Pusa, rezando arrodillados delante de la fachada de la iglesia de adobes, blanqueada, de mi aldea, mientras la luz del crepúsculo no resplandecía sino cantaba. En los molles, las águilas, los womanchas tan temidos por carnívoros, elevaban la cabeza, bebían la luz, ahogándose."
"The earth must have turned to gold in that instant; I too, not only the walls and the city, the towers, the atrium and the facades that I had seen.
"The voice of the bell reemerged. And I seemed to see, before my eyes, the image of my protectors, the indian mayors: don Maywa and don Victor usa, knelt praying before the facade of the adobe church, bleached, of my village, while the glow of twilight did not not shine, but sang. In the [somethings], the eagles, the [rabbits?] so afraid of the carnivores, lifted their heads, drank the light, drowning [or flooding] themselves."
Oh José María Arguedas! Qué bellas tus palabras!
I didn't do much with my extra hour today. I got up early for work. I worked an extra hour. That's probably what happened to it. Damn. But I did do schoolwork then, and I did have a great conversation with Meg about how warm and fuzzy Marx is. All in all today was pretty great, and it still feels later than it is, so that's great :) I am not behind yet! hooray.
yo hablo español,
books: i swear i read them,
the funniest marx brother,
i just love latin america okay