
Jul 09, 2013 01:31

Hey guys, I'm leaving in... 5 hours... on a jet plane. So this is hiatus. I'm going to be gone on vacation in a foreign country without my laptop for a month. If you have stuff you need! (or just want :) )to tell me, email me at zorrosuchil at gmail and I'll try to get back to you - but it will prob not happen quickly or reliably. I'll be traveling a lot with v. unpredictable internet access, and with my mom so there will be less alone time for internetting.

I am super sad I won't get to obsessively stalk my inbox for bigbang comments ;) I promise, when I get back in August, I will be soooo happy to respond to you!

Think good thoughts about travel safety for me and I will bring you back many pictures of beautiful things and hopefully some writing too!!! that is my goal, I brought 4 different mostly-blank notebooks but have few non-shitty pens, ahahaha.


This entry was originally posted at http://zempasuchil.dreamwidth.org/282908.html.
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