Holy crap...

Feb 11, 2006 11:06

I just got news about my scores for a couple of tests. My Sociology test came back at 82% (Class Avg. of 79%) and, what is causing me to post this entry, my History test came back with 80% (Class Avg. of 69%).

The History test wasn't too incredibly easy, but it is not like it was so bad that people would do so bad on it. Honestly, it was all stuff that we had learned in our 9th and 10th grade history classes with a few extra details thrown in. How my fellow students could've done so poorly disappoints me. David, the teacher for the class, even said that was pretty normal for the first test but I'm sure he isn't too incredibly pleased about it either, considering he had three different study sessions yesterday for his students (None of which I took the opportunity to attend. I wanted to make the 5 o' clock one, but FFX called ^_^).

Uhmmm, yeah, I'll get off my high horse now. Just figured I'd put this up for posterity or some such rubbish.
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