{fic} {multi-chaptered} undercover - chapter 10 *FINAL*

Oct 09, 2011 16:05

Title: Undercover

Fandom: BEAST/B2ST
Rating: R
Genre: AU-ish? OC, Angst
Pairing: BEAST/OC, DooJoon/OC (main)

Chapter 10
You walked down the hall, taking down everyone who came in the way. You did not have any weapon, you didn’t need any. One by one you killed all your opponents and found your way to the others. You cut the ropes and opened the handcuffs with the keys you found on your last opponent. Your dress was covered with blood and you had several cuts on your skin, from the knives and even a gunshot on your left shoulder. Jay was about to tend your cuts when you showed another key in his hands.

“DooJoon. He is in the last room on the left corridor.” You walked to a table where all your guns where put and you loaded yours.

“Where are you going?” Jay stopped you and asked.

“I have something to take care of. I should have done it 5 years ago.” You said.

“I am coming with you.”

“No, you are not. You are freeing DooJoon and taking the boys away, along with the others, take them to our usual hospital for check-up. They have cuts here and there.”

“FUCK HEE-RA. YOU ARE BLEEDING YOURSELF YOU BARELY CAN WALK, HE VIOLA-…” Jay shouted at you, Nigel and Kazuya coming to his side.

“IT’S AN ORDER!” You shouted back. “You take them away. This is something I have to do on my own. I am fine…” With that you walked past back to the corridor but along the right wing.

You walked past several door, only the last one at the end in your mind. Your fingers tightened around the gun as you neared the door. You pushed it open.

“I have been waiting for you.” Came the voice and you pointed your gun at Gi Seung.

“I guess the others are free and my men dead right?” He smirked, while comfortably sitting on a chair. “What’s with that look Noona?” He asked. You glared at him, eyes filled with disgust.

“You are sick, you are crazy.”

“Oh…but you still love me don’t you?” He smirked.

“I do and that’s why I came here to end all this. I should have done it years ago. Before you played this little game…It was a good work though I must admit.” You stepped closer, gun still held at aim. “You set me a trap, you planned this for years. You choose a Korean Idol Agency and their most popular group, sending letters to them so they get scared, making small but visible accidents. They would try to contact a capable group to guard them. You would make a hint through your connection towards me and my crew. You would play the right cards and lay the right information to lure me to take this job.” You walked closer but Gi Seung only sat there and watched you with a smirk. “You would wait in the shadows for the right time and when I fell in love, when I made a mistake you used that well, didn’t you? You where waiting for a mistake and you knew I would make it. You didn’t make a random choice in the beginning anyway. You knew one of the boys would make a move on me. You were not sure if I would fall but when I did, you where on the finish line. You played this one last card, with the concert, you waited till I planned my own little trap. You knew about my trap, I don’t know how and I don’t care much, but when we thought we were about to get you down, you kidnapped them. It was a bold but planned move. You waited till I arrived and with DooJoon in your hands, you knew you had me in your hands. You had your little fun, with raping me in front of him, telling him things he should never know.” You pushed the gun against his forehead.

“Was it fun? Did you have your fun?” You asked and he laughed out loud.

“Oh, yes, this was more fun than I thought it would be. You fell for each and one of my little traps. But you know I was surprised. You falling for him, I thought you would fall for that rapper guy. He was more of your type but in the end it was…how was his name again?”

“DooJoon. Yoon DooJoon.”

“Oh yeah, DooJoon. He really made my plan go smoother. I should thank him for that.”

“Don’t you dare, touch him again or any of the other boys. You want me, you wanted me all along. They were innocent and had nothing do with us.”

“Ah~~ Come on, Noona, don’t do as you would care. Oh wait…you are caring for them.” Gi Seung started to laugh hysterically and you shut him up, with pushing the gun against his head stronger.

“You can’t kill me.”

“Why would you think that?”

“You could have done it several times, in the past but you never did why would you now?”

“Hee-Ra?” You heard your name being called and you turned around only to see DooJoon in the door. Turning around was a wrong move, because Gi Seung used that to push you away. You swayed on your legs but managed to keep standing. He grabbed his gun and pointed it at DooJoon. Your reflexes where not clouded by the blood loss or pain so when he pulled the trigger you jumped in front of DooJoon and fired your own. Your bullet hit your brother in the heart and he fell down, a final smirk on his face. You where loosing your focus, everything started to become a blur in front of your eyes. You swayed and only those strong arms hindered your fall to the ground.

“Hee-Ra? HEE-RA!!!” DooJoon shouted, his hand covered in blood, as he pushed against the shot on your stomach. You tried to stay awake but with the whisper of his name, you blacked out.


The next time you woke up, you where laying in a white room, white grown on you, the room smelled like medicine and from that you knew you where in a hospital. You tried to move but it was hard. The shot was still hurting. Just when you were about to sit up, Jay entered the room.

“Stop moving, miss or your wound will open again.” You looked up at him, stopping every movement. You sighed and laid back.

“How long have I been out?”

“9 days. You missed the concert.” You looked out of the window. “It went well; the boys are fine, still slightly shocked with what happened but nothing they can not get over with. Though…I am not sure about DooJoon…” He sat down on the chair next to the bed.

“He has seen some things he should not have like your rape. Getting raped by your step-brother in front of his eyes. Seeing the girl he loves being violated…” You froze at those words. “Then you got shot, when you tried to save him. This is not something what a normal 22 years old boy should see, especially when the person he loves is affected.”

“I know. I failed. I should have handled all this more professional.”

“I don’t think so.” You looked at Jay, all surprised. “You know, in the past year, you have changed but to a person, you should have been from the beginning. I know we do a job that is not easy and we all turn into coldhearted people at some point but you started way too early. I always thought that is was a bad move from In Seok to get you in this kind of job at such a young age. You never really had a normal life, made friends or…” He smiled at you. “…fell in love.” He reached for your hand, squeezing it tight.

“This time, you found someone, who could love you and give you things you missed so far. I don’t know what you are going to do after this but remember this okay?” You nodded.

“It does not matter what decision you make, the boys and me will stand behind you nevertheless. We are here for you and we will accept anything you do.”

“Thank you, Jay.” You smiled at him. You still had them and you knew, you had to make a decision.


As soon as they let your out of the hospital, you were relieved; you hated those places like pest. You went back to your apartment, getting your things ready. It was time to pack. Jay and Nigel packed most of the heavy stuff for you but you still had some clothes and small stuff to organize and pack. You finished a box with your clothes when the doorbell rang. You brushed your fingers through your brown locks (yes, you where at the hairdresser and you are back to brown and slightly shorter hair, but it is not much of a difference there) and walked to the door. You opened it and you saw Jay there.

“They want to meet you.” You let out a sigh. You stood aside letting him in.

“They are worried and I think you own them that much.” He continued. You touched your hair again, a new habit you got, with the new hair-color.



You stand yet again in front of the building, this time in jeans and a tank top. The weather was nice and now that all of they knew who you are you did not need to hide anything. Your left arm was still bandaged but aside from that and the one patch on your stomach all other cuts where healed.  You walked through the building in a calm pace. You stopped in front of the practice room before you entered. As soon as you stepped inside something bounced on you and you let out a pained groan. That small body released you right away and started to apologize. You forced a smile on your pained expression ruffling his hair.

“I am okay.” You said. “Just next time don’t bounce on me like that Seobie, I am still kind of hurt.” He nodded and apologized again. He wanted to hug you but he was now afraid, so you reached out and pulled him in a warm embrace.

“I am fine.” You murmured in his ear and he sniffed a little, nodding against your shoulder. You looked around and saw KiKwang and DongWoon standing there, legs fidgeting not knowing what to do. You extended your arm and they took the cue, stepping closer, sharing a big group hug, with the 4 of you. After a good 5 minutes you pull away and the boys let place for HyunSeung and JunHyung. HyunSeung was a little bit awkward with the hug, but that’s just like him. JunHyung was more comfortable with it - he used to hug you several times before - and apologized for all the things he said and thanked you for saving them and being there for them.

They all forgave you, after this. You don’t know why you deserved it, you did lie to them but still they did not push you away. They where worried about you, spamming your phone with calls and messages of those sort. The last one to greet was DooJoon, who was not in the room. You raised a brow and JunHyung answered you.

“He went up the roof. He did not want to see you I think or more like he could not? I don’t know, he has been really silent since the incident…” You let out a sigh.

“He saw things and heard things he shouldn’t have.” You commented, excused yourself after a short update on each other and went up the roof.


His back was facing you when you stepped on the rooftop. You walked up to him but stopped about 3 meters away. You waited and did not say anything. The slight breeze was making his hair dance just like yours and his back looked strong but hurt and weak at the same time. You slowly walked up to his side, leaning on the railing. Both of you looked down at the city, the street, the buzzing of life.

“You are leaving?” He asked in a small voice and you nodded, whispering confirmation.

“When?” He asked, his eyes still focused on the buildings, just like yours.

“Tomorrow. My flight to L.A is tomorrow morning.” You slightly turned to face him and he did the same. DooJoon reached up, brushing some hair out of your eyes, along your cheek and letting it rest there. You closed your eyes and leaned into the touch. DooJoon stepped closer and pulled you into a hug.

A comfortable silence enveloped the two of you. You hugged him tight and he did the same. It seemed like the two of you did not need any words to explain what had happened. You two stayed in that embrace for a long time before you pulled away and looked in his eyes. You saw love and worry along with fear and wornness in those brown orbs.

“I am okay. It’s going to be okay.” You whispered and his eyes filled with tears, he buried his face in your neck and you hugged him tighter. “I am okay.” You chanted hugging and stroking his back till he calmed down again.

“Thank you.” You whispered in his ear and he pulled away to look at you.

“Thank you for being here for me the past year. Thank you for loving me, and showing me how to love. I know I have hurt you and I will continue to hurt you, because I am not the person you thought I would be. I have a lot of secrets and still today you don’t know most of them. I live a life where Love and Happiness is not common. Since I was young my life has been painted with Pain and Blood but the past year I spend at your and the boy’s side, made me have the peaceful and happy time that I never really had.” DooJoon leaned his forehead against yours, tears started to well up in your eyes, and your voice started to shake.

“Thank you, DooJoon for loving me.” Your voice cracked at the last words and he leaned in, kissing your lips, with all he had left. With the love and care he still had for you, with all the pain and hurt he felt while seeing you being hurt and with all the longing and want to keep you at his side. You kissed him back with the same feeling, mixed with guilt. You felt guilty for loving, hurting and now leaving him.

The two of you pulled away slightly breathless.

“Thank you, Hee-Ra. I loved you, I never loved someone like I loved you and I still love, will love you for a long time…but I know you must go.” He slowly pulled away and you did the same. Till your fingertips brushed and only space and air was between the two of you.

“Please stay safe, where-ever you go.” You nodded, tears running along your cheeks, just like on his.

“I will. Please watch out for the boys and live your dream to the fullest.” He nodded at your words.

“Good-bye, DooJoon.” You said turning to leave. You were not strong enough to stay there any longer. As you walked away you heard his last words being carried by the breeze.

“Good-bye, Hee-Ra, Good-bye my love.”


A/N: Thank you for those who stalked this fanfiction and didn’t reply at all, but still seems like several people bothered enough to at least click on the link. Thank you and now that I finished this I feel lighter. I have been fighting with this one for a long time now. I feel refreshed. Sorry for those who thought it would be a happy ending but NAAAH this is still and angst fiction so no happy ending in those. So yeah. This was ‘Undercover’ my dream and nightmare fic HAHA I am off now. BByong~~

m:yong junhyung, m:yang hyunseung, m:son dongwoon, * multichaptered, m:yoon doojoon, fanfiction, m:lee kikwang, m:yang yoseob, group: b2st, r:r

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