{fic} {one-shot} Broken Bonds (Sequel to Bondage)

Oct 03, 2010 20:57

Title: Broken Bonds (SEQUEL to Bondage)

Author: zelpet001

Fandom: B2ST/BEAST
Rating: R (violence and sexual content) Genre: AU, Violence, Angst? Not really sure here XD
Pairing: DooKwang

Summary: What can you do, if you made a mistake in the past? Would you try to make it good, make it better? What can you do, if the bonds, once as strong as rock, are now broken to pieces? Can you put those fragments back together again? Can such broken bonds be repaired?

REQUESTED BY: cindyxmc , yesungii , pika_slap , angelicxiah777 , veronica1975 , and i know my bb will love to see this too NYAHA so for chocomarijuana

Broken Bonds

DooJoon turned a corner and spotted a figure with a black umbrella in front of the gravestone. He halted for a short time before walking up and placing the flowers on the stone, kneeling down and starting to pray. The figure twitched a little and was about to walk away when DooJoon spoke.

“Did you at least pray? You should do at least that much.” He straightened up and looked at the boy.

“…KiKwang…” They stared at each other as the rain started to pour down on them. KiKwang stepped closer holding the umbrella over DooJoon’s head. The raven haired boy stared up at DooJoon, his mouth opened to say something but he decided otherwise. He turned to face the grave and started to pray.

Yoon Yoona

Beloved sister and friend.
May your remains rest in peace.

DooJoon faced the grave too and started to pray. His eyes closed and as he remembered her beautiful face, her laughter, a silent tear escaped his eyes. KiKwang reached over and brushed that tear away. The taller opened his eyes and the raven hair’s heart broke into smaller pieces.

He never saw so much pain in the others eyes and he knows that it’s partly, not party but it was FULLY his fault.

“DooJoon…” He whispered. “I..I am…”

“Don’t…” DooJoon said looking away. “Just leave me alone.” He whispered before leaving the boy there, walking back to his car. When he got in he smashed his hands on the wheel.

“Fuck…” He cursed letting the tears he tried to hold in fall.


KiKwang fell on his knees in front of the grave.

“Yoona? Yoona, can you forgive me? I am sorry. I truly am. I am doing my best to repay it to all of you. Yoona?” He sobbed looking at the grave and the flowers.

“Is there a chance that he will ever forgive me?”


DooJoon drove home after he calmed down and changed into fresh and dry clothes. Shortly after, he left. He parked his car and this time with an umbrella he walked up to the lively colored building.
As soon as he stepped inside something crashed against his legs and small hands hugged him tight. DooJoon smiled and patted the girl’s blonde hair. She looked up and smiled at him. DooJoon took her right up into his arms.

“Daddy.” She squealed but DooJoon shook his head. “It’s Uncle.” He stroked her cheek.

“But why? You are the one who takes care of me, than its daddy.” She insisted and he just smiled.

“Come on, sweetheart let’s go.” DooJoon left the kindergarten with a 3 years old girl in his arms.


KiKwang walked into his apartment only to meet a more then angry blonde.

“Where were you? You still shouldn’t walk around much and especially not in this rain.” The raven haired boy only looked up, eyes red and JunHyung knew right away. He wrapped his arms around the smaller.

“I met him at the cemetery.” He sobbed against the other chest. “I don’t know what to do. I never…I never saw so much hurt in his eyes…JunHyung…he will never forgive me…” He started to sob harder. “DooJoon…he told me to….leave him alone.” KiKwang finally let the tears fall; he didn’t care about holding them back anymore.

He cried for hours till JunHyung managed to calm him and get him into bed. The blonde sighed as he closed the bedroom door behind him. He reached for his phone and dialed a number.

“HyunSeung I need you to do me a favor.” He started as he reached for his jacket.


KiKwang turned and tossed around in his bed. The same nightmare torturing him, the same, which he was having for the past 3 years.

KiKwang was called into the office, the big boss wanted to talk to him. The boy knocked on the door before entering. He bowed right away.

“I am here.” He said and the man behind the desk motioned him to step closer.

“I have a new mission for you.” The boss a.k.a Rain didn’t beat around the bush.

“Yes.” KiKwang stood in front of the desk.

“I think we have a traitor in our family. Information and much more is being sold out and I need YOU to get the person, who we think it is to speak and spill. I never thought he would do such thing.” The man shook his head and sighed. KiKwang raised a brow.

“Who is it?” His answer was a picture thrown on the desk. Face down. He reached out turning it around, his eyes widening in the instant as he spotted the all so familiar face on the glossy surface.

“You can do it right?” Rain looked at the boy, and KiKwang managed a nod.

“Yes, Sir.”


HyunSeung barged into the room with papers in his hands. All heads turned to face the boy, who was slightly out of breath.

“KiKwang we have been fouled. I can’t believe this… we were fucking fouled, it was a trap, all of it, it was a lie and we…” His words caught in his throat and he put the papers in front of the raven haired boy. KiKwang took a look at them. His eyes scanned over the pages in speed light. Page after page, his heart was racing, he felt dizzy all of a sudden.

“No…” He whispered silence. “No…no…no…this can’t be…” His eyes widened more and he looked at the 4 boys standing in front of him.

“It was all planned? It was a trap?” As realization hit him, tears started to fall from his eyes. JunHyung was by his side in a second wrapping his arms around the boy.

“DooJoon never sold information. He was never a traitor; no he was actually more then loyal to the big boss. He was about to reveal that actually Rain was the one, who sold out all that stuff. But Rain found that out and wanted to get rid of him, before his own head falls. He ordered us to…” He paused looking at the YoSeob and DongWoon who where shocked to hear all this. “ DooJoon never had the information we wanted, and we did all…” He gasped. “…we did all that to his family and…him…” He looked at JunHyung and then KiKwang. KiKwang’s eyes were blank as he pulled away from the blonde. He managed to stand up, leaning against the desk.

“We…I…GOD what have I done?” He asked more to himself. All boys in the room kept silent.
“I hurt the person I last wanted, but not just him…his family…Yoona, and Jongjun…no…I…”

Kikwang sat up on his bed, body drenched in sweat. Tears started to fall from his eyes yet again.

“I am sorry, DooJoon…I didn’t know, if I would have known, I would have never…Please DooJoon forgive me…DooJoon…I still love you.”


JunHyung got into the car and drove to the address HyunSeung gave him over the phone. He was there after a mere hour of driving. He parked his car on the opposite side of the street and approached the big house in front of him. The gate was open so he let himself in ringing the doorbell and waited till someone - HE - would open it.


DooJoon was making their dinner ready while Gina was playing in the living room. He looked over to check on her and smiled when he saw her drawing something. He was about to turn back to the cooking when the doorbell rang and he put down the knife.


JunHyung was a little bit fidgety while looking at the wooden door but he braced himself for the worst (which would surely involve a fist in his face). He was lost in his thoughts when the door opened revealing a tall man.


“What do you want here?” DooJoon glared and spitted the words out between his clenched teeth. He barely managed not to hit the blonde on the face. DooJoon’s only reason was the small girl’s voice that came from behind his back.

“Daddy? Who is that? Is that Joon-oppa?” DooJoon turned around and his features turned more then warm. He smiled gently at the blonde girl, crunching down at her level.

“No. Joon is not coming today. Baby-girl could you go to your room and play? Uncle has to talk with this man here.” He pointed at JunHyung and the girls dark brown eyes looked at the man behind DooJoon’s shoulder. She nodded after a few minutes of watching the other man she left.

“Let’s talk outside.” He glared at the blonde and shut the door behind him. JunHyung barely managed to follow the taller to the garden. DooJoon turned to face the blonde, ready to snap but what he greeted him, made the words stop in his throat.

“That girl….is she?” Silent tears where running down the blondes face. “Is she, Yoona’s…is she m---…”

“DON’T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME!!!” DooJoon shouted at the other, grabbing his collar. “Don’t say her name out loud. You have no right to do so. Not anymore.” His hands tightened around the fabric. “And don’t even think about getting close to her. She has nothing to do with you. She is MY daughter, even if she is not fully my blood…” He pushed the other away.
“Leave. I don’t want to talk to you. I know why you are here and its no use.”


“LEAVE.” The other shouted. “I don’t want to have anything to do with you and neither with HIM. I have my own life now and a child to take care of.” DooJoon turned on his heels and walked up to the door.

“Rain is back in the city.” JunHyung shouted after him. DooJoon looked at the other over his shoulder.

“I know.” He said and slammed the door shut.


JunHyung left in his car, his mind trying to compress all the new information. The small girls face just wouldn’t leave him alone.

“She resembles her so much.” He murmured under his breath when he stopped at a red light. He spotted a flower-shop on the side of the road. He totally forgot about the traffic, watching the white lilies in front of the shop, till someone honked behind him. JunHung pulled his car to the side and walked to the shop. A pretty girl greeted him when he entered and asked if she could help him. The blonde hesitated a little before he turned to her, a warm and gentle smile on his face.

“White lilies, please.” The girl blushed a little from the look JunHyung had on his face and she nodded eagerly. JunHyung waited looking out on the street till the girl handed him the flowers. He bowed a little before leaving and getting in his car.
20 minutes later he was walking up to a big iron gate, pushing it open. After a short walk between the gravestones he stopped in front of the one he has been so often at.

“Hello, Yoona…it has been a while…” He smiled gently again placing the flowers down. JunHyung kneeled in front of the grave, fingertips brushing along the letters on the cold stone.

“You never told me…” He closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath. “She is adorable, looks a lot like you. She is beautiful just like her mother was. You never told me and I understand that. Why would you tell, a person who betrayed you and hurt you?” A tear ran down his cheeks. “When she looked at me, it was as if I was looking at you again. She has your beauty but she has…my eyes….” More tears started to appear and JunHyung started to sob.
“I am sorry...” JunHyung buried his face in his palms. “I am sorry, Yoona…please, I hope you will forgive me for hurting him, hurting you and as end result….hurting….” He tried to hold back another sob. “…our daughter.”


KiKwang woke up from another nap (he cried too much and fell asleep again) to the ringing of his phone. He reached for it and pushed answer without looking at the ID (the ringtone already told him who it is).

“KiKwang.” The blonde’s voice could be heard from the other side of the line. “I have to tell you something…” A sigh and the raven haired boy sat up on the bed.


“Rain is back in town, and I am sure DooJoon knows.”

“WHAT? Then….”

“Yes HE is with him too….” Some shifting could be heard and HyunSeung’s voice came through the line.

“DooJoon knows, his bodyguard has been on watch for the past days. They have been following Rain around and I think they want to make a move, soon….very soon.” He told the information he found after JunHyung called him.

“DooJoon has been on hide for a while now, or more like he has been hunting Rain down. He set a good bait to him and seems like it is going to work.” Some paper ruffling could be heard but KiKwang was already getting dressed.

“When?” He asked when he was fully clothed.

“Today, Cube, 11 P.M, 15th floor. V.I.P room.” KiKwang opened a drawer getting out his gun.

“You know what to do.”

“KiKwang you are not planning on doing anything right?” JunHyung’s worried voice reached his ears.

“Too late, you should have thought about that before telling me the address.” And KiKwang hung up. He ran his fingers over his gun before he put in the back of his jeans.

“He will pay.” He murmured before leaving his apartment a determinate look on his face.

It was time for him to pay.


DooJoon checked his small girl one last time; he smiled at her peaceful sleeping face, giving a peck on her forehead. He closed the door behind himself and walked to his home-office. DooJoon took out a key and opened one of the drawers of his desk, taking out his gun. He closed the drawer again and was about to leave, when his eyes landed on two picture frames. He took one of them in his hand.

“Today, you are finally coming home. It took me long but I will take you out of that hell.” He exited his house and walked to his car, starting the engine.

It was time for him to pay.


11 P.M meeting time. It was all planned everything to the last second, Rain showed up with HIM on his side. DooJoon watched through the CCTV, his heart beating rapidly in its cage. It’s been now 3 years since he saw HIM. It was 3 fucking long years till he was only millimeters away from him.

“Just a little bit more and you are free, Jongjun…just a little bit more…” He murmured before the signal was given and everything started to roll.


Rain was sitting at the dining, talking with Joon about their new business. A handsome boy was sitting on his left, with a blank look on his face. The boy was gorgeous and wore clothes that were perfect to him, every man would want to have a piece of him, but Rain’s hand on the boy’s tights showed ‘IF you try, you are dead.’

Everything was going well, Rain took the bait, and things were only centimeters away from being settled. DooJoon stood on the other side of the door, a wooden surface separating him from his pray and his little brother. Another signal and he pushed the door open.


Rain looked at the door and was about to snap for being interrupted but his eyes widened as he saw the last person he was expecting.

“Long time no see, boss.” DooJoon extra pressure on the last word. Rain tried to reach for his gun but cold metal met with his temple and he dropped his hands again.

Joon hold the gun to the other face ready to shoot if the other made a bad move. (While Rain was busy with looking at DooJoon he made his move and pointed his gun at the sitting man.)


DooJoon ordered Rain to let go of his little brother but the addressed man only smirked. He pulled his hand away from the boy next to him, who looked at him.

“Jongjun, baby. Did you hear that, your brother wants you back on his side?” Jongjun turned his face and looked with blank expression at DooJoon. DooJoon winced at that look, it was dead, as if his little brother would be a doll, nothing living would be inside of him.

“You put him under drugs?” DooJoon snapped, reaching for his gun. Rain let out a hearty laugh, he wasn’t afraid, even if a gun was directly pointed at his scalp.

DooJoon felt rage coming but he calmed himself down, now wasn’t the time to get hot-headed. He gave a signal and a man with a suitcase showed up.

“100 million. Take it and leave, and better not come back again. If you do I may not let you leave alive.” He warned. “Now hand him over.” Rain didn’t say anything aside nodding to Jongjun to go. The boy slowly stood up and just as slow started to walk towards DooJoon.
DooJoon watched as hi brother was walking towards him, even if he was a mere doll now, he was still his blood and he wanted to hold him in his arms again.

In mere of seconds, while everyone seemed to be busy with the reuniting siblings, one of Rain’s men brought Joon down, freeing Rain. The now smirking man stood up pointing his gun at Jongjun’s back, pulling the trigger.

Everything went like a speed of light. Raven hair showed up in DooJoon’s vision, pushing his brother to the side, out of the way. A body fell to the ground with a loud thud and blood started to cover the floor under it.

“KIKWANG!!!” A certain blonde’s voice resonated in the room.


KiKwang and the 4 others hid themselves in Cube, waiting for the right time to make their move. DongWoon hacked the CCTV and they were watching everything from save distance, when DooJoon entered the room the strange feeling that KiKwang had all day now, became stronger and he stormed off, into the direction of the VIP room. JunHyung and the others followed right behind him.
The raven haired boy just arrived, when Rain pointed his gun at Jongjun. Without waiting or thinking he ran towards the other, pushing the boy to the side. He could hear the sound of the gun, JunHyung’s voice calling his name, before everything went black for him.


DooJoon was sitting on a hospital chair, face buried in his palms, a steady beeping the only sound in the white colored room. He sighed and leaned back on the wall, eyes moving to look at the figure on the bed. He winced at the sight. KiKwang was connected to more wires then it’s healthy, his chest heaving in a slow pace.

It’s been now 3 months since KiKwang was shot, 3 months since he has been in coma. DooJoon moved closer taking the others hand in his palm.

“K-Kikwang…” His voice cracked a little. “Please wake up…please come back…” Slowly the tears he has been shading came back and started to fall again.

“Please come back to…me…”

“Do you mean it?” Came a croaked voice and DooJoon snapped his head up to look at the source of it.

“KiKwang…” His eyes widened when he saw two brown orbs looking at him, slowly filling with tears.

“Can I go back to you?” The raven haired boy asked shifting on the bed, to sit up or move closer to DooJoon. The taller stood up from his chair, right away and he wrapped his arms around the others frame.

“DooJoon, can we be together again? I…”

DooJoon silenced the other with pressing his lips against the others. KiKwang didn’t need anything more; the kiss already told him everything. He didn’t need words anymore.

He may not be forgiven yet but the first step was finally taken, and he was more then satisfied with that.

A/N: Okay this sucked big time, sorry for wasting your time. I think I never wrote such a horrible fic before. I have been fighting with this since I posted Bondage. When I wanted to write and had inspiration I didn’t have the possibility and when I had time I just lost my muse. This fic from around the middle is halfway forced and I am sure you will see it too.
Sorry for this, I truly am but at the same time I wanted to get this out of me.

Comments are love~~~ but for this i accept criticism too BUT STILL I HAVE MY LIMITS! thank u~~

m:yong junhyung, group: mblaq, m:yang hyunseung, m:son dongwoon, m:yoon doojoon, ! fanfiction, * oneshot, m:lee kikwang, m:yang yoseob, group: b2st, m:lee changsun/lee joon, p:doojoon/kikwang, r:r

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