Drabble challenge...a lot this time

Jun 06, 2010 23:30

I was at work, was bored, got ideas and now here i post XD While posting i rewrote almost all of them cus they were too long XD so this are all version 2's

#04 - Friendship overcame love
Pairing: Cheondoong/Joon
Rating: PG, Genre: Romance

It was at first sight, it surely was, he fell the moment he saw the other. With every moment spend together he fell harder. He took the courage to confess and he said yes. They were like honey and tea, coffee and sugar - the perfect pair. Shared all the happy, nervous, sad and pained moments...
But slowly love became less, no more hugs, kisses, holding hands...they were overtaken by friendly pats on the back or shoulder.
It never was spoken out, never needed to be said, it was a mutual understanding, for them their friendship became stronger then their love.
With time love can happen, but in their case it became friendship, and neither of the two regretted it. Why would they?
You can find your soulmate in a good friend too...

#05 - Smile
Pairing - AC - Joon/Seungho
Rating: PG-13, Genre: Fluff, Romance

There was one thing that fascinated Joon about the older...his smile...
Seungho's smile was addicting, it just made you smile too even if you didnt hear anything funny or were in a bad mood - it just had that affect.
Slowly Joon started to look at the other, wanting to see more of those smiled, slowly...he was falling...falling deep...
After years together Seungho would ask him what made him fall for the other and Joon would say...
"It started with a simple smile."

#06 - Gift
Pairing: Joon/Mir
Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, Smut, Sad

Mir had one wish for his birthday only one...Joon. He went to sleep, thinking that tomorrow is his day he will get what he wants but he woke up in the middle of the night of the shifting of the bed. He opened his eyes only to meet another pair of dark brown ones, hovering over him. Mir blushed deep red when he saw the other was naked, though he moaned when the older leaned in to nibble on his neck....

Bodies were moving in sync, moonlight goasting over their sweating bodies. The names of the other would be whispered between pants and gasp. Fingertips ghosting over heated kiss, lips leaving dark bruises marking the white skin. Backs arching as they share the highest bliss at the same moment.

"Happy Birthday, Mir." The older would whisper before he would fall asleep next to him.

#07 - rain
Pairing: G.O/Joon
Rating: PG, Genre: Angst, character death

They had the worst fight in their whole relationship, shouting, things breaking that were the only sound till it went silent. Too silent for... The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the rain outside. Raindrops falling on cold asphalt...
G.O never hated the rain so much then after this day, standing in the storm, watching as his lover would be taken away by a car.

Red light...sound of sirens...till it would be silent again....leaving only the sound of the rain and the sound of a broken heart echoing in the dark night...

#08 - Watching you sleep
Pairing: AC - Mir/Seungho
Rating: PG, Genre: Fluff, Romance

Mir loved to watch the Leader sleep - in secret of course, he would never admit that -  his peaceful face would make him more relaxed then anything else in the word. This time too, Seungho would be laying on the couch, his eyes closed, sleeping after a hard schedule. Mir would walk over, crunch down and watch the others face, he would put a blanket on him, tugging him in, not wanting the other to get a cold.

He would stroke some strands out of his face, chuckling when the other would murmur something about 'Bananas' in his sleep.
Mir loved to watch the older sleep, for him it was the most precious moment, while the other would be asleep he could show his affection, his love his care, the things he cant really show to the other when he is awake.
Not that he wouldnt be able to, he is just not the person who would be overly lovey-dovey and Seungho knows, he knows because the Leader smiles in his 'sleep' and pulls Mir down on the couch, hugging him close.
Mir chuckles and snuggles close to the older, maybe watching the other sleep wasnt that of a secret as he thought it was.

#09 - Rehearsal
Pairing: Mir/Seungho
Rating: PG, Genre: Fluff, Romance

..... rest is coming for today this is it, too tired to type down more..... will continue tomorrow.....

m:bang chulyong/mir, group: mblaq, ! fanfiction, m:jung byunghee/g.o, m:yang seungho, m:lee changsun/lee joon, m:park sanghyun/cheondoong/thunder, * drabble

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