Aug 30, 2009 12:23

Hi minna,

I hope you all are fine.

For me i am in a DAMN GOOD MOOD now. Guess what why?

Ok i give a little help
 - Today is sunday the 30th
 - Today is Inkigayo

So? Do you know now?

I just watch it and i am going to watch it again and again and again and when i find a way to dl i WILL.

But my day started with a big shock - NO INTERNET CONNECTION - you cant believe in what a bad mood i was.

But thank GOD or Gackt or Koki i dont know who but i thank him from all my heart cus around 11.42 i had internet again. YAY
So of course i ran to LJ to check my f-list if there is something and yes THERE WAS. I almost screamed out loud. But i only screamed inside didnt want to scare my dad. XD

But i also have to thank the person who uploaded it on youtube. HE OR SHE MADE MY DAY!!!!

So lets talk about the performance - Of course first up was Heartbreaker.

At the start there was an apple on the stage and it moved, and there was a hole inside and the juice was coming out. The music started and you could hear GD's voice and then the apple collapsed and GD was inside  - here i screamed with the fangirls - and he started his performance.
He looked awesome, the first look he gave the camery made me melt he looked hot. He had a with tanktop on over it a white bolero thing and jeans (i think it was jeans) which were white and black combi. I totally fainted by his look. (but he looks so thin in that jeans *worried*)

The stage was similar to his MV when he dances with the background dancers (the dancers were same as in the MV). His symbol a black apple was on the stage floor with a G and under it Dragon a little bit smaller. The dance was the same as in the MV especially at the chorus part you know - 'you are my heart heart heart heartbreaker' and so on - but it looked amasing life. His voice was also great i totally loved it.
AT this part the background dancers had the white mask on and i totally loved the - 'gika, gika' part (or what) - GD looked COOL.
After the chorus part female dancers came (i think the same as mostly at concerts and these stuff) and GD danced close with two of them. For the next chorus part the male dancers (without masks) came up too so all danced together it looked GREAT. i cant say enough of times that GD was AMAZING.
The 'I will still be there' part was really cool, GD was surounded by his dancers and he sang that part that way. WOW
For the last few sentences they danced the choreography which was also shown on GD TV ( thought that it was for the solo stage) and live it looked really great.
All the dancers went down from the stage and only GD stood there made some poses and danced a little bit, turned around so his back faced the audience and he made a V sign. CUTE.

The second performance was Breathe:

Of course just like at the end of Heartbreaker MV GD was turning on a bed like he couldnt sleep but it looked cute cus he had white trousers with red dots on it (Pöttyös túró rudi in Hungary XD) - Kya~~~~
The background dancers had simple white clothes on with a face mask. GD had a white jacket on with a red spot and C on it, and i black cap sidewards. CUTE
The whole dance to Breathe was really cute. And GD smiled a lot he looked as he was really happy and had a lot of fun. I am truly happy to see him like this.
After a while the male dancers came down and he danced with the female dancers. The looked cute like cheerleader for a high school match XD
He danced some intimate part with one of them. Then the male dancer joined them again and GD got rid of his cap. I was like YAY i can see his face WRONG he made sure that his hair would cover his face *sigh* I love his new look but i miss his FACE.
Back to topic:
GD was cute jumping around on the stage. And there was more intimate dance with one female dancer. It totally looked like to me like a high school love sceen XD. She took his hand and took him to the other side of the stage there they sat down, she laid down and GD bend over her. They turned and GD was in the front and turned back to her. 2 other dance pairs did the same. Then when this was over all of them went down and GD went to the center of the stage and sang, kneeled down and such. Then the dancers joined again. The danced looked as they did it freerly but of course it was planed. It looked cute and then GD made a really cute dance part and had his angel smile on his face KYA~~~~ After that the whole dance was cute again. And at the very end he covered his face with his hand so that only one of eyes was shown.

This got long. XD And i know that i used the words - Great, amazind, awesome, cute, cool and such a lot but i had to cus it was like this.
I totally loved his performance i knew that he would do great (again).
But to tell the truth during Heartbreaker he seemd nervious and tense but i could understand that. But during Breath he was more relaxed.


m:g-dragon/kwon jiyong, - performance

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