{fic} The love began in a small café chapter 9/10

Jun 27, 2009 01:20

HI minna,

Now i am really tired, its almost half past 1 in the morning and my parents will arrive in about 5 hours in Antwerp.
I am happy that they will come, now i can show them where i live for 5 month, show them the places i was. Introduce them to my friends who are still here - they are only a few - but still. They will meet a few of the people with whom i spend my time, laughed and cried.
But this also means that in a few days i will have to leave Antwerp. I dont really want to. I have mixed feelings.
But i have to say goodbye to the people here. I will miss them but never forget them.
God i am off topic again. Sorry m(_ _)m

So what i actually wanted to say is that i wrote chapter 9.
But because my parents will be here i wont have time to write chapter 10 till o go home or maybe later. I dont know when i will be able to write it but i will try my best to not let you wait too long.

SO here you have my chapter 9, it got quite long so brace yourself for a long reading. XD




Chapter 9

After Kazuya’s breakdown somehow the things became better between the two. They managed to have time for each other. Sometimes they went on dates or went for dinner with friends. They were happy again. It wasn’t the best as at the start but it was much better then it was before. Both were in love and they didn’t want to separate. Koki had a lot of work as usual but still he could spare some time for his love. But maybe this was the cause of the pain they felt when it came to that time. Both were thinking that maybe if things didn’t get better and they would have just drifted away from each other then it wouldn’t have hurt so much.

Time went by and the most feared thing happened. Jin was right. Other photographers realized the potential in Koki. And one day Koki got the offer of his life.

“Tanaka-kun, you have a lot of talent in you, you can take really beautiful pictures. You can capture the most precious expressions of people. Not a lot of photographers are able to do that. This is not something you learn this is something you have to have in you. And you have that.”

“Thank you, Sir. Your words make me really happy. Hearing these words from one of the best photographers in the world is not something I got to hear everyday. It means really a lot to me.” Koki bowed his head. He was happy that his hard work was appreciated, he wanted to call Kazuya and tell him the good news but he was dragged out of his happy thoughts.

“Tanaka-kun, if I would offer to you, would you come with me?

“Excuse me?”

“Would you become my student and come with me to travel around the world. I could teach you so many things. You have still a lot to learn. Japan is a small country you can learn more about photography out in that big world, which is still a mystery to you. I could show you a lot, and you could become well-known in the world. I know I see potential in you, with a little help you could become one of the greatest.”

“Eh?” Jin, who was standing next to them, was shocked. It was a surprise; he thought that this would happen sooner or later, but now. He thought of Kazuya, things just started to become better. Than he looked at Koki who was as shocked as Jin himself.


“Oh, I am sorry. I know this was a question you didn’t aspect. But think about it. It is really a big chance for you. I am still staying here in Japan for 1 week, I would be really happy if you could give me and answer by then and directly come with me. I have really big projects coming up, which would teach you a lot. Think about my offer. I don’t do this so often.”

“Yes. I know. Thank you. I will think about it.”

Koki didn’t know what he should do. He was in big lethargic. It’s been 2 days since the offer. He was thinking about it non-stop, but he didn’t tell Kazuya. He didn’t want to hurt him or something between those lines. He also asked Jin to keep it secret for a while.

“But Koki you have to give an answer in 5 days time and if you go then you have to prepare to go. You don’t have too much time. Think about Kazuya, what will happen if you confront him on the day you leave?”

“I AM thinking about Kazuya. Jin I just don’t know. This is a big chance for me but now things got better with Kazuya. This is…-silence- I really don’t know.”

“Koki I know you for so long now. I know that you love Kazuya very much, but if I think about your dream, now I will sound like and asshole, but go.”

“Go, this is a big chance for you. You have been dreaming of this since I don’t know since you could think properly? This is a chance of your life if you don’t take it maybe you won’t get one again.”

“Jin, could you leave me alone? I need to think.”

“Un. Wakatta. If you need me then call me.”


Unfortunately later that evening Koki’s plan not to tell Kazuya yet was smashed in a one second. Ueda, Jin, Yucchi and Junno were having there lunch at the café.

“Where is Koki?” asked Junno.

“I don’t know he didn’t contact for 2 days, maybe he is busy.”

“Or maybe he is busy packing his stuff and leaving with the guy.”




“What guy, what leaving, what are you talking about?”

“Nothing just making jokes.” Ueda tried to save the whole thing.

“Yeah he was making jokes. Right Jin?”

“Un. Just joking.”

“GUYS. What the hell is going on? You all know something. What are you hiding from me?”

Jin looked at everyone.

“I think its better to tell now.” Said Yucchi to Jin.

Jin gave a sigh. “Kazuya please sit down, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it, Jin I don’t like it…”

Kazuya sat down on a chair in front of Jin.

“A few days ago we, me and Koki we met a really famous photographer who is known around the word - he paused a little bit Kazuya was now nervous - he was really amazed by Kokis work and so he offered Koki a chance.”

“What chance. Spit it out already Jin.” Kazuya started to get angry.

“Ok, but don’t be mad ok?”

“I cant promise that.”

“He asked Koki if he would go with him abroad. He would accept him as his student and would teach him a lot about photography. He thinks that Koki has a lot of potential as one so he asked him. He doesn’t do that a lot, I think he never done something like this before.”

“What?” Kazuya’s tears started to roll down hi face. “Why didn’t he tell me? Is he going? Is he leaving me, that’s why he didn’t say anything? Jin?” Kazuya was looking at him, trying to find some answers.

“Gomen Kazuya I don’t know. He is thinking about it but I don’t know what he will do.”

“What would you do in his place?”

Jin looked surprised he was hoping that he wouldn’t ask this question.

“Do you really want to know?”


“Even if it will hurt what I will say?”


“Wakatta - he paused - I was with him before I came to here. He is in despair. He doesn’t really know what to do. He doesn’t want to leave you but at the same time this is a really big chance for him. If I would be in his place I would go and - he gave a sigh - you will hate me but I told him that he should go.”

“No you didn’t.” Ueda was looking at him, he was shocked, he didn’t believe what his lover just said.

“Yes I did.”

“How could you?” Ueda was now screaming.

“Tatsuya!” Ueda looked at the direction where the sound came from. Kazuya was now standing.

“But Kame-chan…”

“Iio, I was the one who wanted to know. - he turned to Jin - Thank you for telling me the truth.”


“But if you would excuse me I think I will go home for today. Yamapi - the said man turned around - Could you please close the shop I will go home for the day.”

“Hai, wakatta.”

He turned to his friends, who where looking at him with sad eyes.

“Good night everyone.” With this Kazuya left, nobody followed him; they knew that he wanted to be alone and that there is nothing they could do for him.

“Shit - Jin hid his face in his hands - I didn’t want him to find out this way.”

Everyone at the table was silent they didn’t know what to say. Jin told them before so they knew about the offer, but they were surprised that Jin told Koki to go. They fully understand him tough. This was hard on everyone. Even tough they weren’t the most involved ones; still it hurt for all of them. They didn’t want to see they friends in despair.

“Jin - Yucchi finally spoke after a long time of silence, Jin looked at him he knew what was coming, a big scolding but no - What do you think will Koki do? Will he leave?”

A tear fell from his eyes; he buried his face in his hands again.

“I…don’t…know…Yucchi…I…just …don’t…know.” Ueda hugged his lover from behind. All of them knew that it was harder on Jin then them. He was Koki’s best friend and they also worked together. If Koki would leave he would loose his best friend and his partner at the same time. Nobody said a word just goodbye when they left to go home.


At the same time Koki was sitting in his room he was looking at his phone he just send a message to Kazuya, saying he wants to meet him at the park where they would go sometimes.

Jin called him and told him that Kazuya knows, that they didn’t have other chance but to tell him. Koki didn’t know what he will say to him, he looked at his phone again, and he read the message again from Kazuya. He said he would wait for him at the usual bench. Kazuya knew but he was still willing to meet him. It hurt Koki so much; his heart was hurting almost suffocating him. But he didn’t have other chance they needed to talk.

He stood up and got dressed. He looked at the bag which was standing next to the door and then he left to meet his love, maybe the last time? He himself didn’t know the answer yet.


Kame was sitting in a park; it was already 2 hours after the agreed time when he would meet with Koki. He didn’t show up, but he was waiting thinking that maybe the later was caught in a traffic jam or something came between. But it was useless to think that way, because when he looked at his phone on the screen there was a message from him, which he got 2 minutes after he got there at the arranged time.

Sender: Koki

Subject: ….

Message: Gomen

There was nothing else in the message, no answer when he tried to call him. Nothing. Kame looked up to the sky.

“The stars are beautiful tonight” - this was the only thing he could say, after that small tears strarted to roll down his cheeks, and he just sat in the park on the bench, cried but then the memories came back to him. He remembered the way he met Koki 1 year ago.

Kazuya didn’t know that Koki was hiding not so far from where he was sitting. Koki was there before Kazuya and was thinking about everything, remembering the time he spend with him but when he saw the younger one, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t move and go to him. He was there but he didn’t dare to go to him. He sends him a message saying that he is sorry, it hurt him so much. He didn’t leave tough after he send it he was there, and when 2 hours passed and Kazuya was still there he started crying, the younger was trying to call him and send him messages but he didn’t answer, he saw the pain in Kazuya’s face, the tears he was shedding, but he didn’t go to him. He looked at him one last time and he turned around. He left without saying goodbye without explaining. He just left everything behind what he loved and it broke his heart but still he was walking away. He knew that he wouldn’t see the other again; he looked at up to the sky “The stars are beautiful tonight.”



2 year passed since that night, since that message. Koki left without saying goodbye to anyone. He left.

Everyone’s life changed since then Yucchi and Junno quit they jobs and opened a company together, now they are working every day together, they dream came come true. They are living happily in a big house in the sub areas of Tokyo.

Jin and Ueda moved. They bought a bigger apartment because the last one was two small for two people. Jin moved from an assistant to a photographer and now he has assistants. He became a big name in Japan, but he refused to go overseas. That wasn’t his dream he stayed in Japan with Ueda. When Koki left he tried to call him but he didn’t answer and after 3 days the phone even was turned off. He was pissed off at that time. He could never forgive Koki the way he left, but I little part in him was still on his side, he routed for him to do a good job. Ueda stayed at his company still the same job he just simply loved it.

The name Koki was never mentioned when they were together with Kazuya. It was a taboo.

What about Kazuya?

He left the small café, he left it for Yamapi. He didn’t want to stay there; he also moved from his apartment, he moved to a bigger one. It was big he sometimes felt lonely in such a big apartment but he didn’t wanted to stay in the old one. Everything the café his old apartment remembered him on Koki and he wanted to forget. He gave the pictures away which he had; most of them were used as decoration in the café.

Kazuya opened a new café. A new café, a new apartment and new life. Maybe a new lover? No. That was something he couldn’t do. He tried to forget about Koki but he couldn’t. He loved him and he will love him. Since that night he couldn’t forget about him. He was angry at him because of the way he left but at the same time he also understood it. That way was better. He was crying for a week or more, he doesn’t even now himself but few weeks after Koki left there were his pictures in the newspapers again. Koki was working he was learning fulfilling his dream and Kazuya wasn’t in the place to stand in his way.

In some way he was happy for him, time to time he would look for his picture and he would be amazed by the beautiful pictures he made. But Kazuya started a new life without Koki. He was busy with his new café, which was really popular. The decoration was simple but comfortable and relaxing, which a lot of people needed after a long day at work or school. He was happy with his new life.


“Kazuya we are going. We have work tomorrow morning.” 4 of his friends were standing now at the door of his new café, wanting to leave.

“Un. Oyasumi.”

“Oyasumi. Kame-chan.”


“See you.”

Kazuya was cleaning up, closing the café, his friends were the last. He was wiping one of the tables when the bell rang telling someone came in.

“I am sorry, but we are close..d”

“Tadaima, Kazu.”

p:kamenashi kazuya/tanaka koki, * multichaptered, pairing: kokame, r:pg-13, ! fanfiction

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