Don't click if you actually like the show still!
Man, this show was never the show to get your brain working or anything like that but jeez, it used to have SOMETHING. Some substance, something remotely interesting. It had LOVE. Remember when it was full of love?
And Dean was always an emo crybaby jerk but it wasn't ALL he was! And Sam was always the lameass little brother but that wasn't ALL HE WAS.
NOW THAT IS ALL THEY ARE. They are miserable, contradictory characters. Did the people who are writing this show now even sit down and watch season one or two before they started smearing this shit out on to scripts.
What a bunch of bullshit.
When you hear me saying that Castiel was my favourite thing about an episode, it's gotta be bad 'cause I have always DISLIKED HIM A LOT as a character. That's right!
I don't even know what happened in that episode at all. Random Lisa? I liked Lisa but WHAT. WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?? Did they run out of footage and have to just tack that scene on to make up the time? IT HAD NO RELEVANCE TO ANYTHING!
It is really sad to watch this show veer further and further down the shitter with each passing week. They should have just cut it of at the end of season two. They killed the demon, they had a year to get dean out of the deal, they had work to do. Awesome. That summer spawned most of my favourite fanworks ever.
LET'S TALK ABOUT SOUTHLAND INSTEAD! BEST. SHOW. EVER. I am in love with all the chicks. Well. And all the guys, too. And the cars. But mostly the goddamn chicks. <3