Fic - The Mating Rituals of the Botswanian Meerkats (and Other Things Sam Didn't Learn in Biology)

Aug 18, 2007 04:00

More comment pornz!

So. Um. It happened again. *scuffs toe in dirt* But it really was ALL KAT this time, she made me her porn monkey, seriously, it went exactly like this:

zelost_mind: Ohhh, *bounce* *thinks about chocolate*
vinylroad: Alright bitch, this is how it's gonna be! *describes* Get writing!
zelost_mind: *whines* But I can't DO that...
vinylroad: *cracks whip*
zelost_mind: Done! Tag, you're it!
vinylroad: *is extremely nefarious*
vinylroad: Now it's your turn again, DO THIS: *demonstrates*
zelost_mind: *squints* Are you sure?
vinylroad: *eye-twitch*
zelost_mind: Yes ma'am!

zelost_mind: Hey... this is kinda turning me on...
vinylroad:... Me too.

Yeah, so:

The Mating Rituals of the Botswanian Meerkats (and Other Things Sam Didn't Learn in Biology) (Adult. Sam/ofc - Sam/ofc/Dean. Pre-series, threesome, devirginator fic.) Yes you read that right, no need to adjust your set.


kat = win, spn fic, sam winchester

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