Jan 27, 2007 01:24
I have come to the conclusion that the Bible as we know it is the result of a primitive what I would call first renaissance. Through comparing histories of the creation of the Great Pyramids and the first 5 books of the Bible they were both created at the around the same time.
One thing that caught my eye was the use of the golden ratio in the design of the Ark in the bible. Christians and Jews state this is proof of God. But I noticed that the pyramids completed about 1000 years before the writing of the Bible used the golden ratio in the construction of the pyramids. Also much of the architecture of the time was based on the Golden Ratio as the basic mathematical building block.
What this told me was this: The Bible is truly a fictional hypothetical account of the occurrences of creation. The Ark was written to be within the constraints of the golden ratio. This demonstrates that the Bible was written using the references around it not some divine knowledge. It seemed to me that stating a triangle was the strongest structure known to man because god is a trinity. Well basic rules of physics states that a triangle is the strongest shape known to man as stated, based on physics not some divine meaning.
I have decided to start reading the bible from beginning to end again. The book of Genesis is rather striking. God floods the Earth because he states man is wicked and must be wiped off the face of the Earth. Then when the flood is over he decides never to flood the Earth again because he again states many is wicked. So.. God flood the Earth because man is wicked and then decides not to flood it because man is wicked. So which is it? This is just one of the many inconsistencies of the Bible. Now after Noah empties the ark the Bibles states he took all the clean animals and scarified them. If this is the case then why do we still have clean animals if the only animals to survive the flood were sacrificed?
These are some of the many questions I have about the inconsistencies and discrepancies of the Bible.
Now here is the real kicker! According the Bible Jesus was to be of the line of David, Of the Blood of David’s line. The line of David belonged to Joseph. The problem lies in this. If Mary was a virgin then Jesus was not of the line of David which would have invalidated him as the messiah - or Joeseph and Mary had sex which would validate Jesus of the line of David and then contradicting the Bible itself.
So again I ask - which is it. If Jesus the product of the Virgin birth then he is not of the line of David or they did have sex and he was not of a virgin birth as the Bible clearly states.
It has not credibility for me anymore.