(no subject)

Jan 12, 2011 22:55

My Lj is a bit buggy, I tried posting two times before, but no luck so far. I hope I'll manage today.

At last I listed the Bloody Sweet jsk. I went a bit overboard with the photo editing (I can has digital make-up, lawl), but trust me, it looks way better this way :D
It has already been featured in two tresuries: "I'd rather poppies than roses" and "Lolita"
For the listing go here, now onto the pictures!

Since I lack a right color zipper for the Tapestry jsk, it'll have to wait until I get a hold of one. So, now just a few WIP snapshots of it :)

Also a couple of new fabrics! I can't believe I found a steampunk fabric in our stores! Insanity! but I love it! Also today I finished a skirt from the top right fabric. Photos soon :)

For a side-note I want to add that I'm officially in love with Dolly-kei! It's like a weird mix of all the things I love! Haven't tried wearing since I found out about it a couple of days ago, but I'll def try my hand in it!
I've also re-discovered my love for black color in clothing and discovered a new love for harlequin or diamond print and empire-waist dresses (I have Emily Temple Cute to blame for that :D Will definitely try to make some when I figure out the perfect print for it) :)

And a little sad realization I came to today. I've always wanted a lolita brand piece, since I discovered what that is, as most of lolitas. I've read all about them, about their perfect construction, materials and what-not, but when I tried to dissect the pieces I realized that a size that doesn't fit and a print that bleeds, when washed BY HANDS IN COLD WATER doesn't cut it for a 300+$ dress... It's crazy! For that price, quality should be top priority and, as far as I know, the bleeding print problem isn't a new one. So why don't the brands try to fix it? Bodyline doesn't have a problem like that. Perhaps, our "dearest burando" should find out where BL prints their cotton and ditch their old printers..?

steampunk, thrift, etsy, sweet, lolita, diy, floral, skirt, rant, crafts, features, gothic

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