All I have to say is Holy Mortgage Batman! That's right boys and girls, I am the proud owner of a three bedroom townhouse in Monash. I was freaking out a bit on the weekend but when I dragged myself in this morning I found a message on my work phone that said settlement[ie coughing up the cash for the house and miscellaneous costs after the initial deposit] was complete! So once the current tenants have departed, there's only a little renovation and a lot of junk to shift before Destroid Field Command comes online!
On other fronts I had a job interview last Thursday which went surprisingly well. Luckily my 1337 web coding skills didn't fail me [well I think I got one little bit wrong but hey] and I managed to field all the standard interview questions pretty well. Way it's going I might be moving to the eastern front in an ongoing fashion for the near future...
Been hanging out with Bruce as well, which is going well =)) It's soooooooo nice hanging out with a cute chick that takes a genuine interest, instead of regarding you as an interesting sideshow.
And just in case if anyone doesn't
know what the bad grammar is about...