Break the Cutie - Has happened a few times.
Beware the Nice Ones - Zelda looks sweet and kind, but pushing her can be dangerous for one's health.
Berserk Button - Zelda is surprisingly snappish over plotholes in her favorite shows and threatened grades
Cloudcuckoolander - This was in mind when I apped her, and although it's not a strong part of her character, these moments show up from time to time.
The Empath - Slightly. Downplayed to avoid godmoding.
Everything's Better With Princesses - Zelda is related to the Royal Family of Hyrule.
Genderbender - Her disguise as Sheik changes everything, but it's voluntary. Created an interesting scenario during the Genderbendathon (genderbent genderbender?).
Goshdang it to Heck - Very rarely does Zelda even use "crap".
Horrible Judge of Character - Zelda has trusted Pokey once. Even though she's otherwise rather good at judging people (aside from being needlessly cold to some people who actually do have a good side), this would more or less trump it all.
Les Yay - When Peach held Zelda's hands in the Student Council Celebration Party, I was screaming "LES YAY!" in my mind. A case might also be made for Zelda x Midna why have you guys not requested MidnaxZeldaxCanexLink on the kink meme yet.
Mama Bear - Go on. Shove Kirby, Yoshi, and Toon Link around. I triple-dog-dare you.
Plucky Girl - Zelda used to be a
Pollyanna, but instead developed into this.
Precision F Strike - It's rare enough that Zelda uses "damn" or "hell". So the day she drops an f-bomb will be a very scary day indeed.
Sweet Polly Oliver - Sheik. Just Sheik.
Ascended Fanboy - Goombario goes from huge fanboy to awesome ally within the first hour of gameplay.
Badass Bookworm - Despite one of his more notable skills being his ability to be "words words words", Goombario is not to be messed with in a fight.
Deadpan Snarker - While not exactly subtle enough to be deadpan, Goombario just loves to use sarcasm.
Embarrassing Middle Name - And last name. Goombario Kurio Kuribo. He doesn't even tell his closest friends his full name.
Heroic BSOD - Goombario snaps shortly after the war. Does a pretty good job at hiding it until he's rebooted, though.
Heroic Wannabe - While Goombario manages to avoid straying from the path of heroism too much, he doesn't see the world in as many shades of gray as others do, which can lead to issues.
Hero Worshipper - Come on this is a joke he's on the page itself. Subversion: Goombario is somewhat disillusioned with Mario at the moment, and although that'll fade, the fact it's happening is enough to break the worshipper part.
Ho Yay - Oh, sweet lord, the ho yay. Hero worship on Mario, and then there's ParakarrySPOILERS I WAS THAT ONE WHO MADE THAT SECRET ON FANDOMSECRETS
Man, I Feel Like a Woman - During the Genderbendathon, Goombario had an off-screen moment (or two. or five.) where she felt herself up.
Mind Rape - Although all of my characters were mindraped to some degree by Gigyas, Goombario got off badly, since it was compounded by other foundation-shaking events.
The Smart Guy - Well, duh. Then again, he's not content with leaving the action stuff to others.
Species Surname - Must I explain this?
Badass Normal - Although his Final Smash may disqualify him, Boris still mostly lacks powers in a place where said powers are the norm.
Everything's Messier with Pigs - Averted. Boris doesn't root or anything like real pigs, so the instinctual cleanliness shines.
Full Boar Action - Kinda sorta. Not exactly tusks, but sharp teeth. Rasher (same personality) doesn't have this, though, so it might be more of a play on names. Maybe. I dunno if his name's different in Japan. He's not
Ax Crazy like this trope tends to imply, though.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Grumpy villagers are awesome, mmkay?
Talking Animals - fuck year animal crossing
Badass Teacher - Zelda and Boris.
Gratuitous Japanese - Goombario's full name combines his Japanese name and the Japanese name for Goombas. The term "gijinka" has been thrown around by him and Zelda. She was called "nee-chan" by Toon Link, and she in turn called him "Chibi". Additionally, her attempt to throw Dedede off-guard by calling him "sensei" didn't work -- obviously that isn't going to work when 10-20% of other students use that term non-jokingly.
Let's Get Dangerous - All my characters to good extents, but Zelda seems to be closest.
Power Trio - ID: Goombario
Ego: Boris
Superego: Zelda
Took a Level in Badass - Zelda and maybe Goombario (I can't tell, really).
What the Hell, Hero - Goombario has actually helped ruined Tubba Blubba's happiness. Although not directly calling him out on it, Tubba definitely was not about to forgive him and the rest of Mario's group. Sheik also gets one due to just standing by and doing nothing as Daisy beat the tar out of Fang. Sheik had even wanted to get in on the
No Holds Barred Beatdown.
Writer on Board - wait a second
We should make a page on the Wiki for a giant trope list. Though, we'd have to make a rule against/restricting the use of tropes that'd be negative against a player (Writer on Board, Creator Breakdown, Character Derailment, etc,), in order to avoid drama.
Watch for this later -- I'll be adding more.