(no subject)

Oct 21, 2008 12:57

...uh, yeah. I love you guys! I...uh...fell into a warp hole in space! Yeah! That's it!

1) We're all moved in! I have a large, airy, rainbow room. :D 
2) ...but there was a tiny tiny scorpion of death, like the ones at Eagle Point. I mean, WTF? It was just the one, though, so we're not quite sure what happened.
3) We had to give away our indoor kitty, Salem, but we brought the outdoor kitty, Mama Kitty, with us. She had a baby! :3 It's so precious. I'm the only one who can pick it up without getting hissed at.
4) UAB is going well. It's funny how I never see anyone I know when I'm looking, but I nearly run old classmates over when I'm late to class or something. XD 
5) I'm gonna be SuperGirl for Halloween! Who are you guys dressing up as?
6) I had to give notice at my awesome UAB job, since Marvin's decided to open two new stores a week apart. Idiots.
7) Saw Max Payne with Ferris a few days ago. It's a pretty good movie on its own, though it's better if you've played the game. Go see it!
9) So, I've been using Twitter and BrightKite a lot recently. You guys should too. ::peer pressure::
10) I'm inactive reserve in the Air Force until I go to basic training in January. I'm gonna die, I just know it. No cell phone, no e-mail, no internet for two months?! D: D: D: 
11) My crazy psych professor is crazy, no joke. Do you guys have any crazy teachers/professors?
12) Just in the last week, I got cat-called by construction workers, asked to lunch, and been told that I have a mean walk. I like the way this seems to be going. >D

So, what'd I miss?

work, af, crazy psych professor, sexiness, school, cosplay, uab, rl update, movies, social networking, cats

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