Oct 23, 2007 08:39
I know I haven't written in a while, I just have no need to. All I want to do is whine about work (work, work work) but.. Meh. I just don't want to waste my time whinning about such a nonsense job. Though, it deserves it. Meh. Fuck it. If I continue to rant about other things, and it pops up.. it does.
I'm all broken. I tripped and hurt my left ankle, my left knee, my right knee, my right leg. My left ankle was all twisted and shit, and it still hurts. I'm wearing a brace. Crazy shit o.o.
I want to sleep. Though, it's funny, yesterday I was sooo tired. I got home at 4:50 PM, after work.. Then I crashed.. woek up, wen tto college, got hom enad crashed again. I was sooo tired... and I didn't want to get up today. :/ That is what happens when one only sleeps 3 hours from Sunday to Monday. I hate the fact that I can never sleep from Sunday to Monday.
Mortal Kombat is my current obsession. I love Mortal Kombat.. I need to buy Mortal Kombat Armageddon. Fuck, man, awsomeness. Though.. I won't be able to play a lot.. This week is going to go apeshit crazy with college papers and all that jjazz. Le sigh. :(
I want.. To take an ap.