Apr 27, 2004 20:01
I like questions that are as open-ended as possible. I also like lots of options and variety. So I'm going to try a combo of other interesting memes I've seen all put together along with some questions I wrote myself.
so chose any one or do as many as you like.
1. Ask me a question. Ask anything- serious, silly, personal, that will help you to learn more about me. (If you ask a really hard question, I may take a couple days to think about it, but I will answer anything.)
2. Tell me your favorite memory you have of me. Maybe the first time you met me, or just something that stands out in your mind.
3. Invent a memory of me. It can be anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened. Anything you would like to remember of me, only the universe failed to cooperate in making it happen so you had to make it up instead.
4. Tell me anything that you wanted to say to me but didn't get the chance (or didn't have the nerve)
5. Tell me something about yourself that I don't know or you think would surprise me.
If anyone would prefer to answer privately instead of posting, send me an email at kepwonder@hotmail.com
Then, of course, post any or all of these to your journal.
I look forward to your responses.
Thanks in advance.
~Hazel~ :)