Cognitive dissonance

Jul 30, 2014 22:19

Little J looks so much like TC did as a baby that it is kind of weird to me. Like now; lying in bed, phone in one hand, baby attached to boob, I look at him and think "oh it's TC."

But no, my "baby" TC is playing video games with his daddy and talking up a storm, and is so. Darn. Big.

This is a new person, someone I don't really know yet. And other than the fact that he's a better nurser than his brother was at 2 days old, (how much of that is him vs my having previous experience I have no idea, but damn he is good at this, and I am greatful,) I don't know what kind of person this dude is. Other than big. And I am so glad to no longer be pregnant with him.

We took him to see the pediatrician today and he's perfect and healthy. I notice the Dr. was a lot less concerned about asking me certain things like making sure I know how often to be feeding him etc. since she knows he's kid #2 and TC was also born at home, breastfed, etc. She did think it was pretty funny that she saw TC for his yearly checkup on Monday- grandma had to take him in cause I was in labor with little J.

Wish we didn't have to do all the piddly things like paperwork for FMLA and his birth certificate, but that's the price I pay for bucking the system in this day and age. It'll get done and be over with.

via ljapp

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