Oct 13, 2004 17:17
Not only is this state full of dumb Republicans, but it's full of jerkwad bungholes at the BMV who seem to hate every life form on Earth, especially if you keep them from going home the SECOND that clock turns the time of closing hours.
Today I stayed after school for auditions, and afterwards my mom came to pick me up and said "You're going to take your driving test at the BMV." Turns out it was 15 minutes to closing hours once I got there, but they still let me take the test. When I got there, there was a guy who just moved from Illinois who had to re-take the Indiana test because the Illinois one was fine, but the Indiana one was crazy or something. First of all, the little retard lady behind the desk stalled when I got there. She knew it was close to closing, oh but she took her dear sweet time. Then I sat down to take the test. I was doing just fine until the little retard came up to me and said "five minutes left." My dad told me to take my time, but I couldn't help but worry about time in the back of my head. Thank you Indiana fucktard. After that I couldn't concentrate, like, at all. I feel like such a moron - the first multiple choice I got wrong was the EXACT question when Ms. Retard came to talk with me. I can't forget the coldness in her voice... But that question was such a dumb error, I would have never missed it if it weren't for her, making FIVE questions wrong instead of four. Oh, and then the other question about what are 70% accidents caused by... I put alcohol because that's what Jerry stressed at the driving school. "Most accidents are caused by drinking and driving... Don't drink and drive... alcohol alcohol." INDIANA IS FULL OF FLIPPING RETARDS. That is, federal retards. People I have met, I have no problem with.
More beef I have with Indiana. I was more than enraged when my Illinois friends came to pick me up on their birthday with their license. No, 16 and one month for WONDERFUL INDIANA. Note how I said they picked me up, so can they drive people around as soon as the turn 16. But no, it's 90 days with FABULOUS INDIANA.
I swear that BMV hates human life. They're the rudest dang people I've ever met. Even my parents say if I weren't rushed by Ms. Retard so she could go home as soon as the friggin clock turned 5:00. God forbid you're out a few minutes late. Companies that stay open a few minutes later with flexible time, kudos to you. We need more places like that.
Then my parents don't make it ANY better. When I'm like this, I'm best left alone. Just leave it, or I will get frustrated and snap, and that's what I was doing, so they yelled at me for giving and attitude. I gave them fair warning how when I'm PO'ed they best keep their distance but they would not GO. AWAY. Finally... they left...
driving test,