Bored at work again. Honestly, I could have sex in here at noon every day and no one would be around to notice. Although I think someone else who works on the other side of the floor already thought of that -- I swear I heard someone orgasming the other day when I was leaving.
In other news, yesterday on the steps of 77 Mass Ave (the big formal entrance to MIT's main campus), I saw this girl wearing a shirt that looked very familiar. This is because it was the shirt that was given to everyone who was at CTD at Northwestern the year that I was there. (I took Honors Chem at Northwestern's summer program the year after freshman year in high school.) And the girl wearing the shirt happened to be the girl that I hung out with the most at this program! So I went and said hi to her. A rather embarrassing/amusing conversation followed.
Me: Hi, Megan!
Megan: ...Hi...what's up?
Me: Not much, you?
Megan: look familiar. Where do I know you from?
Me: *points at her shirt* That!
Megan: forgot your name. What was it again?
Me: Preeya.
Megan: Right. Right. Um. What year were you at CTD?
Me: *points at her shirt again* That year!
Megan: Oh. Um. Were you in Chem Honors with me?
Me: Yeah! Remember [our teacher] and...
Megan: Yeah, yeah, I remember all *that*...just not *you*.
Me: *beginning to feel silly* So what are you doing here?
Megan: Oh, I'm here for the space elevator team. How about you?
Me: *figuring she goes to another school and is here for a competition* Well, I go to school here.
Megan: *looks at me like I'm crazy* Well, so do I.
Me: Oh! Um. Uh. You mean why am I here *now*. Well, I'm living here for the summer.
Megan: *gives me another look* Yes, so am I.
At this point, I was feeling like such an idiot that I just mumbled for a little while longer and then ran away as fast as possible. The friends that I was with at the time were highly amused by the whole thing.
Also, I don't know how many of you heard: there was a vote on the flag-burning amendment (you know, amending the Constitution so the flag can't be burned) in the Senate. It failed by ONE vote (66-34). Now, I'm inclined to agree with the people who say that votes like that don't come about by coincidence -- I'm sure there was a *lot* of politicking done to bring that about. The 12 Democrats who voted for the amendment were probably the ones in the tightest elections this year, and the 3 Republicans who voted against were probably good friends of some of those Democrats and thus were willing to go against the party line so that those Democrats could vote for the amendment without actually passing it. I think that if everyone currently in Congress voted on this issue according to how they felt about it, it would not pass.
Nevertheless, I now feel that it is my solemn patriotic duty to go and burn a flag while I still can.
Which means I actually have to go find a flag. This could be problematic. Where do they sell flags anyway? (And if the flag is such an important national symbol, then isn't the idea of selling them kind of crass? Shouldn't the government just be giving them out to people?)
Hmm. I don't feel like working today, and it's not like anyone else is here. I think I'm going to go home and nap or something.