Jan 30, 2006 11:35
Once upon a time, I thought I would double-major in physics and math. I was a silly girl. Now I know that my destined second major/degree isn't math, it's brain & cognitive sciences. Even better, now that I'm pretty much done with general requirements, I can take things I'm really interested in.
One problem: there's about 30 of those, not counting major requirements that aren't electives in the major, and 4 semesters to take them in. Also taking into account that I've currently scheduled 6 classes for this semester and both next year, and about 3 per each of my junior semesters (the physics department kindly provides a 4-year schedule, instead of just saying which classes to take, and some math classes fall into tracks). And then I haven't even thought about foreign languages -- I'd really like some.
Why?! Why must there be so many interesting classes? whyyyy? ;_;
Since my primary interest is more in physics, I'm thinking about just getting a minor in BCS, maybe a minor in math as well, and taking a lot of physics electives. That doesn't really solve the problem, though, other than getting me out of a couple of BCS labs.
Mmmph. why can't I just be in college forever? That would be so awesome.