Scatter Shot: Housing & Writing

Jan 28, 2009 11:31

Navarre has decided to be less stringent on his requirements for a new place to live. So, instead of just houses, we'll also consider apartments and town homes. This is good, in that we have more options. Bad in that I don't think he'll be happy in an apartment or town home. *shrug* We'll see.

I got an email from an editor I'd sold a story to a while back, telling me it will be coming out soon and asking me for more stories. That was very cool. I like getting solicited by editors *grin*

I've written another piece of flash. It's weird. I'm not that into flash. But, hey. I think logovore was right about my pre-existing writing circuits getting used for other things. So. Flash. This one I even almost like.

house hunting, navarre, housing, writing

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