Oct 27, 2007 14:21
I have this friend. Well...... I consider her a friend. I once was told by my coworker he thought she was hitting on me when she came in to my work, but I never got that vybe. Then I saw this person on Jen's myspace and said, "Hey! Thats one of my nicer customers...... brings in a little brother who can't stop grinning." "Went to high school with her."
Next day:
"Hey Echo."
Look of shock, terror, disbelief, paranioa and apprehension. "Umm... hi- Ok where did you hear that name? Did we go to high school together because I'd swear I'd remember-"
"I'm Jen's fiance."
"Jir, maybe?"
"Oh.... Oh my god her! How is she? I haven't seen her in forever? I miss her! Whats-" and so on and so forth amen.
Very amusing circumstances..... quite a genuine "small world" moment that makes you step back and chuckle.
Anyways. I've been trying to build a friendship with this friend. She seems cool and Jen said she was amazing and the only person from making her a succesful suicide so i thought I'd add her to my small group of people I call comrades. Always thought I gave off a creepy stalker vibe though.... Then again it feels like I give that vibe off to everyone. Sorry no.... I'm not going through your underwear drawer Kenzel.... I just like to keep my friends close.
Least I can say I finally started being able to count them on more than one hand now.
This friend is in a tight spot. Everyone gets stuck there at some point. Parents versus freedom of choice. Its part of growing up. Some people are really good and avoid the problem by having just the right parents and just the right circumstances to make choices that makes there parents at ease with them.
Not. Me.
Her parents, who manage her finances, decided to say she can't spend any money. This is reasonable since she just got kicked in the teeth by debt. In fact.... its kinda necassary. It'll help her rebuild her finances faster. Giving her a little leeway would probably help slacken some tension but its probably what Jen would do to herself if she went in the negatives.
I don't like debt. I'll go without eating before i go negative..... yet I'll go negative to take Jen out to eat. Meh.
Anyways. Thats all reasonable. I'm assuming she has a job. If not.... well.. I know that my store is looking for two people to work nights. 3 to 10 and they start off at 8 bucks. Not fantastic but it can hold ya over. That goes for anyone in the area that needs the moochas greenas.
Then they said something that didn't make sense. You can't go anywhere. Now I am all for taking away a debit card and letting the broke person run off with friends. If anything they'll eat and home and she won't spend a dime. Long as school work is done its all savvy.
But no freedom? Before I even read it I said aloud that this was a radical christian family.
Sounds negative. Kinda is. I came from one...... well they used to be. I had to give a play by play in 15 minute incraments when I went anywhere. you know how hard it became to date. I literally said once, I'm going to the movies with Shelby at 9:17, will arrive there around quarter to 10, we'll buy the tickets then go make out in a stolen car sometime between 10:30 and 11, have wild rabbit sex for approximately three hours, we'll run away to alaska using that same car and hold up gas stations along the way for both food, gas, lube,porn, and drugs then she'll bare my children for the next 11 years before we die of the chicken pox.
Only reason I didn't get grounded was because he looked at Shelby, my hot neighbor across the street at the time who was my best bud, laughed, and said sure..... and I'll bet she'll steep one step lower and go make love to squirels. You kids have fun. And the movie should be over by 11:45. I expect you home by 12:05, or your grounded.
True story.
Anyways.... the finances I understand, the freedom not so much. Take away one's choices and the mind makes them create them. revolts have started from less.
I mean.... hte reasons are justifyed.... but they're going overboard. The Inquasition comes to mind.I'll help save your soul but if you want to go to hell I'll help you by giving you a fast ticket.
I'll help you organize your life and finances and help you become a successful, christian woman worth crying in pride for, but if you want to change even a decimal in my plan then your going to ruin your life so i'll give you a fast ticket in the form of you on the street. Either accept my pla for your life or Ill ruin it. Some people say this is how God works. I doubt that. I think he wants to to climb the cliff and fall so you'll know how not to hold yourself next time and where to step. Pain brings some form of refinement.
I don't agree with her parents.... not that its even my place to say such but.... its her choice. She can try and trust him and let him run things his way which might end out successful..... that being something he could gloat about to others or hold over her head later.... or...... she can try herself. Skin her knee and try again. If she runs out, which doesn't seem her plan, she'll fuck up. Probably big time. But she'll know better and become more adaptable and therein more successful on her own steam. It would be hard and daunting, but anyone can do it.
Or she can let someone cut and polish her gem, removing the journey and giving her the success.
My beliefs state she should leave.... find someone or some people to help her be independant.... and yes you can help someone be that by giving them there own room, support, and friendship and then letting them do the rest.
But. As right as this is t me its not about me. At all. Its her life. Make her parents proud through obedience which can seem impossible sometimes or make them proud (in some ways they'll never show but feel) and do it yourself.
All I can say is this.
Jen has said that the moment this person gives the word we'll go. It'll be three people doing there own thing but supporting one another. You could say this doesn't seem smart and in some respects I agree but its the journey they choose. The journey makes the gem.
Worst case scenario, I call an apartment complex, or a friend from an old job who offered us an amazing deal, and while thats getting finalized she stays here, thhe girls take the room, I take a livving room (i dont care, its not my house after all and yes, her parents would agree to this so long as I showed them the payment papers for the apartment.) We get a three room, make one room an office for crafting and study, build up our finances and our security, work on school, and when we're damn well ready, go our own succesful ways.
Trust me. Jen and I do have plans for our life. We also need a roomate for those plans to work smoother. One, everyone owes less to rent, two, companionship lowers stress, and three, having people you know you can turn to when things go bad just makes moving out easier.
All in all, Echo, its up to you. I know you don't think you can leave. Don't look at it that way. Clear your head. you can leave. College is not impossible without student loans. I can vouche for that. once Jen's mom showed me that I jumped right in. Working while going to school and figuring out rent is also not impossible.
The hardest thing is figuring out what you honestly think would work best for you. not your wallet, or college, but for your heart.
Jen wants to wisk you away and keep you safe.
I support her on that. I, however, would have to see you want that before we showed up at the moment your dad said, go fill your car, so we could fill all three.
Just so you know. there is a way out..... you just have to know you want it.
We're here. We'll catch you. Your life's not over. But I don't think you need catching.