100 movies in year 2008

Sep 24, 2009 22:36

100 movies in year 2008
- name of the movie (suprise!), day and link.
- Seen it before
~ with who?

1. 8.1.2008 - 300
2. 9.1.2008 - Memoirs of a GeishaGeishan muistelmat ~ Mom
3. 10.1.2008 - Perfume: The story of a murderer
4. 10.1.2008 - The phantom of the opera
5. 21.1.2008 - High school musical 2 ~ Taru
6. 1.2.2008 - Ocean's Thirteen
7. 9.2.2008 Fantastic 4 ~ Basketball team
8. 9.2.2008 Knocked up ~ Riina ja mom
9. 10.2.2008 Crazy/ Beautiful ~ Taru
10. 10.2.2008 Wild at heart ~ Taru
11. 11.2.2008 Marie Antoinette ~ Artclass
12. 15.2.2008 American Pie Presents: Beta house ~ Anni, Juliette, Emppu, Ellu, Miikku, Tiia,
Jose, Katja.
13. 15.2.2008 No Reservations~ Anni, Jose, Miikku, Tiia
14. 17.2.2008 Summer G
15. 19.2.2008 Saw 4
16. 21.2.2008 A Clockwork Orange ~ Diem Hy, Julia
17. 22.2.2008 Disturbia ~ Jenna
18. 22.2.2008 Pure ~ Jenna
19. 25.2.2008The Quiet ~ Jose
20. 1.3.2008 The Prestige
21. 2.3.2008 Big Fish
22. 11.3.2008 Tales of Earthsea ~ Taru
23. 12.3.2008 Girl With a Pearl Earring
24. 12.3.2008 The Truman Show
25. 14.3.2008 Closer
26. 15.3.2008 The Unbearable Lihgtness of Being
27. 16.3.2008 Superbad ~ Taru
28. 17.3.2008 Never Ending Story ~ Taru
29. 18.3.2008 Impromptu ~ Mom
30. 21.3.2008 Jet Lag
31. 21.3.2008 Eyes wide shut
32. 21.3.2008 Lord of the rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
33. 22.3.2008 Lord of the rings: The Two Towers
34. 23.3.2008 Hannibal ~ Niikka
35. 23.3.2008 Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
36. 24.3.2008 Ensemle, c'est tout ~ Taru
37. 1.4.2008 The Weddin Banquet
38. 1.4.2008 Brainstorm ~ Riina
39. 6.4.2008 The Big Lebowski ~ Taru
40. 6.4.2008 Bruce Almighty ~ Mom, Riina 
41. 28.4.2008 volver ~ Riina  
42. 30.5.2008 Chain reaction
43. ????????? 1408 ~ Taru
44. ????????? Oldboy
45. ????????? Hairspray ~ Taru
46. 5.6.2008 Freeky Friday~ Riina
47. 5.6.2008 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen ~ Riina
48. 5.6.2008 Juno ~ Riina
49. 7.6.2008 Evil Aliens ~ Taru
50. 11.6.2008 Sex and the city ~ Iida, Hanna, Taru
51. 11.6.2008 Van Helsing ~ Riina 
52. 12.6.2008 Hairspray ~ Riina, Mom
53. 12.6.2008 God is Great, I'm not
54. ????????? 100 Girls~Riina
55.  29.6.2008 Oliver Twist  ~ Veepu
56.  3.7.2008 Rent   ~ Nina, Riina
57.  5.7.2008  Eastern promises 
58.  6.7.2008  The pursuit of happyness

2008, movies

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