Trip Report (aka, Zellie, Zellie, Zellie, Zellie, Zellie, Mushroom! Mushroom!)

Oct 10, 2009 22:59

This is a report of my first ever attempt experimenting with drugs. I'll leave it under a cut in case someone feels bad about such things.

So, I visited a good friend of mine who got a stash of different thingies. Before we got there we bought some Nitrous Oxide.

Nitrous Oxide

Commonly known as Laughing gas. It took me a few of the small canisters before I actually learned the technique of holding it properly in my lungs and not getting too much oxygen in my lungs. This I guess most of you already tried or at least heard of. Completely safe, no side effects at all. What we did was using one of those thingies to make whipped cream, inject the shot into that and then inhale it all, and held our breath. Quite quickly things sounds odd, a very metallic echo from all sounds is heard and your cheeks, fingers and things like that feels all numb. The effect lasts for about 5-7 seconds before it wears off and things are back to normal again. You get a calm feeling in your mind and body.

We did a couple of these shots the first day. Then went to bed and woke up the next day, went to the city and bought some edibles and then came back to the small house out in the middle of the forest where my friend lives. It was a beautiful autumn day, chill in the air. At 12:15 we took some psilocybe.

Roomeyes - Psilocybe cubensis

We started out with each 2.5 grams, rolled into a slice of salami. Then went for a walk to a peat exploitation area near where my friend lives. I did not feel anything at all. A slight disconnection from myself perhaps. But not enough to be notable. But I did feel a bit more content with myself. We headed back to the house and by this time, about one hour had passed. No effect. We took another 2.5 grams each and sat outside in the sun. Now I notice the first few effects, things look much shaper. Colours are a slight bit more vivid and things I eat taste much more. Another hour pass while we play games on the computer and things like that. We decide to each take another 5 grams since we are not feeling anything at all. Yet another hour and to make a long story short. Nothing. The mushroom had lost its potency. I looked at myself in a mirror and saw that my pupils were large as saucers, just a very slight rim of iris shows.

We went for another walk, pet a horse and got back. A nice long walk. Now over 7, 6 and 5 hours have passed since the intakes of mushroom, so we give it up. My friend talks a bit about Salvia Divinorum which he got a gram of. "Salvia x5" or "Salvia x10", we are not quite sure which type.

Salvia Divinorum

I feel a bit uncertain, so I look up a few trip-reports and information about the drug to see how safe it is. My friend is nervous about it, since it is quite easy to get a bad trip from it if you are inexperienced. After a few hours of reading and pondering I decide to give it a try. I divide the gram into 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 a gram and work my way up, since we have no idea how potent it is.

The first 1/16 I felt nothing of. Same with 1/8. My friend helps me construct a gravity bong since the smoke is VERY harsh to inhale and the pipe is so small and slow, it is hard to inhale it quickly and painlessly. I take the 1/4 dosage and inhale. I sit on the floor near the sink in case I will fall over or something, with a pillow on the floor. I inhale, hold the harsh and foul thing in my lungs for about 60 seconds then exhales and coughs like a dying fox. The coughing attack is very short and mostly just in protest of the foul smoke. The insides of my lungs feels as if they're coated with tar.

First Divinorum Trip
My friend asks me "do you feel anything" I sit on the floor and stare ahead of me, trying to feel something. I shake my head and feel a bit sad, since I had worked my hopes up for this one. "No." I say. And I start looking at the hole in the bottle at the water bong and then look at the window behind it, seeing the hole double. "Apart from that I see.. two.. there are double. Two of the holes." Then I start laughing, because it strikes me to be so very funny some how. Seeing double like that. What a thing! I do feel like I am in total control of myself, and I feel "just normal". But I hear a slight hysterical tone in my voice and I think I'm just pretending it all as I do not want to be silly.

I walk to the couch and lay down, laughing to myself for a bit, then stare at a hook in the wall. I think very coherent thoughts, nothing seems odd, and I think the effects have worn off. I stare ahead for a bit longer and my friend ask "How do you feel?" I think for a bit and come with the answer "I.. think.. I'm fine. I can't help but to think how funny I was.. w...when. How.. When funny... How funny I was when... I saw that.. hole in the... hole... in the bottle." Then I burst out laughing again.

"I can't help laughing! I feel something is so terribly funny, but I don't get the joke." I say and keep talking. To connect my thoughts to words feel very difficult. And I can start talking, and then I have to take a break to just get back to myself and get the rest of the words out. I tell this to my friend and say. "I feel like I just broke my vocabulary." Then I frown and say "No, not broke.. it is still there. I feel as if it... toppled over." then another burst of unstoppable and uncontrollable laughter. I see for my inner eye how my vocabulary are row after row of bookcases and one topple over and there is a bookcase domino. Not as in a hallucination, but as a fantasy. Like how one normally think. After another minute or three of this, and things are all back to normal again. The trip lasted about 15 minutes in total.

My friend's divinorum trip
My friend tries the salvia too, and he giggles and sits down in the couch and says "Wow... I'm really feeling... something!" He looks at a laptop, and puts it down on the floor and says "I'll put this on the table so I won't knock it over." Then he laugh and says, "I meant the floor, and this is NOT funny, but I can't help laughing!" He takes a shot of N20 with this and closes his eyes and just leans back smiling for a bit. After about 5 minutes he says "That felt so nice. I felt like I was behind a curtain, and at the other side there was indians I wanted to visit, but I couldn't get there.

My Second divinorum trip
There is juuust enough for one other smoke, and my friend was gracious enough to let me have it, and for this I'm very thankful. I inhale the smoke from the bong and walk to sit in the couch directly. Hold it for some 60-120 seconds this time and slowly exhale. Nothing feels odd this time, I start loading the canister with more N2O and I manage to load it with the same shot my friend just used, so I can't get it to work. My friend offers to help but I snap "I can do it on my own". I feel just like one normally feels. Nothing at all. I manage to take the shot, inhale, lean back and hold my breath with the N2O for about 30 seconds. The trip described above multiplies a thousandfold.

I lean my head back, arms outstretched over the back of the sofa. The soft Shpongle Music gets that same metallic echo and I suddenly get a memory of a cartoon I saw as a child, a gritty dirty cartoon for grown ups. I see this bluish purple haze and it consumes me. Things turns very abstract at this point. My skin feels like watching it through water surface with many, many small tiny waves, but in glass, it feels like it looks, numbed and soft and rippled. A feeling of delight overcomes me, followed by a feeling of deep pleasure. The little piece of me still thinking coherently tells me "let go!". I do and the feeling is very intense. I find it hard to describe, but it is a lot like one would call "a mental orgasm", but not sexually at all. I feel like I arch my back, but I'm not, and I feel like I am half a foot outside and above myself, all apart from my head still inside my body. I hear myself pant and almost moan. As soon as it came, it all fades and I just dwell and smile in delight for a minute. All in all, this trip lasted about 5 or 7 minutes. Then it fades away and after another minute it is all gone.

I'm feeling a bit wierd and tired now. As if one have been working a week straight and just got home from work. True is that I did work today, the day after the evening and night of tripping, but it went really well. Just a bit incoherent and tired, but nothing apart from that. Another night of sleep will fix it.

I'm a bit sad that the mushroom didn't work, but the Salvia makes up for that. I also learned that N2O is fun to have. The conclusion of my experiences is that I will absolutely try this again if I get a chance. We're all out of mushrooms and salvia, but I'll check with a friend of mine and see if he doesn't have anything like that to sell.

life, drugs

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