Pirate Bay sentence

Apr 18, 2009 02:59

So... today the sentence came: 1 year in prison for all involved and 30 million Swedish Crowns (3.5m USD, 2.4m GBP, 2.7m Euro, 975m Z$).

Sounds fair... seeing how a man who raped a 15 year old girl was sentenced to 1 year and 100.000 Swedish Crowns (11.8k USD, 8k GBP, 9k Euro, 3.3m Z$).

So... redistribution of 30 movies/albums/games causing pouts on already filthy rich people who wouldn't be getting any more money (I mean, for gods sake, Diablo 2 was included in the trial, and World of Warcraft! WTF?!) is worth more than the life of a young girl who will take years to get back to a normal life - if ever.

Sounds fair.

Let's see, what button do you press to stop the world? I think I'll get off and catch the next planet instead.

On a brighter note, this movie really touched me at some points. I really love the remixculture =)

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piracy, rant

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