Interrogate Comic Offer

Nov 23, 2014 13:10

 Hey! I know I haven't posted in ages, but I have a thing you might be interested in. Uncovering my saved items in the basement, I discovered a binder in which I saved all the original art for my comic of "Interrogation" by Speranza (Due South), alongside a printout of the story, so you can compare page-by-page. It also contains sketches and notes ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mizface December 3 2014, 04:25:07 UTC
omg for realz?? This is a thing I would LOVE to have, seriously. I adore your art and seeing your process - I have the comic you did of my djinn!Ray story up in my living room, as well as the two sketch pages and I still look at them and compare the changes.


zelempa December 3 2014, 14:01:16 UTC
Excellent! PM me your address and I shall mail it out. Very happy it will be going to someone who would enjoy it.


evdokia73001 November 16 2016, 19:40:19 UTC


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