Book: Don't Ask [GLBTYA]

Apr 17, 2013 09:30

I promised you two things for today: that I'd finish my Baby-sitters Club: The Next Generation sequel today (check!), and that I'd reveal a SPECIAL COOL THING. It is time for the coolness!

Today, my first original!fic--I mean, NOVEL was released!! I'm super excited. It's young adult gay/lesbian, it's called Don't Ask by Laura Hughes (that's me!) and it's available in the ebook format of your choice on the Prizm Books website or Torquere website. (I am promised it will be on Amazon and Barnes & Noble within the next few days.)

I think you might like this book because, if you're here, you presumably like other stuff I've written, but here are some other reasons!

If you're a Baby-sitters Club fan, you might enjoy a timid boy protagonist; a bombastic girl protagonist; lovingly detailed descriptions of club organization and hierarchy; and tons of girly stuff including, but not limited to, a makeover and the big dance.

If you're a Stargate: Atlantis fan, you might enjoy the action, joyriding, military virtue and prominence of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

If you're a Due South fan, you might enjoy serious consideration of old-fashioned virtues such as honor and valor, as well as a central troubled friendship at the breaking point.

If you're a The Sentinel fan, you'll probably dig the love of of a repressed, macho, pseudo-military yet deeply sensitive main male for his gentle, longhaired, non-traditionally-masculine male love interest. Unfortunately, there are no wilderness quests... in THIS volume.

This story will be right up your alley if you, like me, enjoy LGBT YA, melodramatic serialized tween/teen fiction, high school TV shows, Boy Meets World, Degrassi (original and/or Next Generation), and basically any show that would reasonably have an egg episode.

Originally posted at (

torquere, prizm, original, fic

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