Plot: McKay, Carter, and Keller go off-world to a mining colony and fall through a hole and get trapped in an old abandoned mine. Another bottle show; don't get me wrong, I love bottle shows (I know they're only made to save money for the big fx shows, but I like them better!), but it seems like a lot in a row, doesn't it?
- John sucking on a little lollipop throughout the whole of the first (and his only) scene = adorable.
- Rodney's strange defensiveness re: Ronon continues: "I'm no Ronon, I'm not going to be on the cover of 'Shape' magazine anytime soon, but I can hold my ground when I need to!"
- Rodney's "SAM!!!" when Sam falls was cutely devastated; I feel like it's been strangely neglected, that Rodney had a pre-existing relationship with Sam.
- Rodney's plan to make makeshift rope is to take off all their clothes and tie them together. Keller immediately begins to strip, and Sam goes and finds some actual rope. "Great work," says Rodney, unenthused.
- When Rodney says he can't do something, he can't, but when Sam says she can't do something, it's "quitter talk." Ha ha Rodney is a jackass.
- Keller wants to play 20 Questions with Carter!! And THEN she wants to play Who Would You Rather!! It's like the femslash version of RP(NS)!
- Rodney accuses Sam of not liking Zelenka. Keller pipes up that Zelenka is "unique", and also "creepy." Awww, be nice to poor little Z.
- KELLER: Steve Carrell or Stephen Colbert?
CARTER: Hm. Colbert, I think.
MCKAY: Carrell, but I would pick Jon Stewart over both of them.
- Next Keller gets Rodney to dish about the state of things with Katie (essentially, they're broken up and Katie is going back to Earth.) I expect you to report back to me with the missing scene where she gets Rodney to dish about John. (Seriously, how is that not where this is leading? Can it be a coincidence that Keller is not-so-subtly guiding Rodney in the direction of gay? Jon Stewart = John Sheppard!)
- KELLER: You owe me a beer. [...]
MCKAY: I don't remember agreeing to that.
KELLER: Rodney. Do you want to have a drink with me or not?
MCKAY: Oh! You want to have a drink!
KELLER: You're not very good at this, are you?
So was that supposed to be flirting? What about Keller/Ronon? Or is the point of this that McKay isn't good at making friends? Unclear.
If Keller were to be Rodney's girlfriend, she would be the kind of girlfriend who is always trying to get her boyfriend to make out with other boys. (Hi, yolsaffbridge!)