FIC: When it rains (Castle; T)

Jan 22, 2010 12:12

Title: When it rains
Author: Zelda Ophelia (zeldaophelia)
Fandom/Character: Castle; Beckett, Esposito, Ryan
General info: Not mine; T
Words: 700 (I fail at 100-500)
Notes: For the help_haiti lightning round for thedivinegoat. Prompt: Castle pre-series Beckett/Esposito/Ryan threesome, with the prompt, 'the ones you can't save'. Um, this turned out more implied threesome-y than ( Read more... )

fic challenge: help_haiti, tv: castle, fic, fic: castle

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heylittleriver January 26 2010, 14:32:40 UTC
This is the fic I never really realised I wanted! I mean, yay Castle and all, but these guys were already a team (or whatever) before he showed up and the way you've showcased that bond here is fantastic.

"My place isn't that far, we can crash there." He slung his arm around Beckett as he spoke, keeping his hand on Ryan's back as they walked. The touch grounded them, held them together, and after a couple blocks he could feel the wall of tension that had built up through this case finally beginning to crack.

Hi flails. Beautiful line about them grounding each other, and the thought of them all crashing at his place makes me ridiculously delighted.

And they were trying, all three of them, not just Beckett. Ryan had matched her drink for drink. Esposito was holding back, somehow he'd been unofficially nominated the designated "get everyone home safely" person. Which, since none of them were driving, meant he just ended up drinking less. Still enough, though.

I like that. Also, Ryan starting the toast.

I also really enjoy how despite the seriousness and the dark tone of what has happened, this still has the elements of lightness in it - Beckett drunk but still exasperated, and fending off Esposito's help; and not even trying to help Ryan (as well as Ryan heading off to flag a taxi - the images that appeared!).

Thank you for this lovely fic. :D


zeldaophelia January 29 2010, 21:09:29 UTC
Thank you! I think one of the things I love the most about the show is just that, they were this great, cohesive team even before Castle showed up. And he's a great addition, but there's just something wonderful about the three detectives and the way they work together.

I'm so glad you enjoyed this! <3!


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