Master Post: Hard Sell

Jan 06, 2010 20:05

Pre-series. Dawn Flack (not a junior, though everyone wants to add that on) is finally getting her first solo case, without her training partner to tag along. But when one death becomes three with little evidence, she's needs all the help Mac and Stella can give her to find this guy.

Prologue - He yawned, smiling, as he walked down the stairs, feeling better - satiated - for the first time in months.
Chapter 1 - Dawn Flack looked in the mirror again, tipping her head to the side and scrunching up her nose as her blue eyes studied the image before her.
Chapter 2 - Fillmore High School looked like just about every public high school in the city, including Dawn's alma mater.
Chapter 3 - Pushing the bed sheets they had collected at the crime scene aside, Stella sighed in frustration and ran her hands through her curly hair.
Chapter 4 - One last look in the mirror, smoothing her patterned shirt and buttoning her jacket, and Dawn grabbed her things to leave.
Chapter 5 - As with Ashley Strube two days earlier, Dolores Velez looked very much like she wasn't having a good day.
Chapter 6 - Dawn beat them to the morgue, Mac noted when he and Stella arrived.
Chapter 7 - Spotlight was a bar that Dawn had been to a few times, but not many, and it took her an extra trip around the block to not only find it but a place to park.
Chapter 8 - She was beginning to hate starting her mornings like this, Dawn thought to herself as she pulled up to the apartment building.
Chapter 9 - The morgue seemed crowded when she arrived, with Stella, Mac, Hawkes, and Sid waiting for her.
Chapter 10 - Stella was in the hallway, on her way to talk with Mac when Dawn came off the elevator, and she paused to let the other detective catch up and join her.
Chapter 11 - Dawn looked up from her paperwork when the chair next to her desk moved, Stella greeting her as she sat down.
Chapter 12 - Kaile Maka gave the ballroom at The W an impressed look when they entered.
Chapter 13 - Dawn met Maka in the lobby of the apartment building.
Chapter 14 - Mac frowned when Stella followed Maka and Dawn into his office.
Chapter 15 - Dawn was almost to the precinct when she spotted the coffee cup on the floor of the car and groaned.
Chapter 16 - "Thank you, Mr. Fairchild."
Epilogue - With each closed case came a veritable mountain of paperwork.

fic: csiny: hard sell, au: genderbender, fic challenge: 10 switched, big bang: genderbendbb, au, fic: csiny, gbb, fic

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