FIC: Forbidden Files (Castle; K)

Nov 24, 2009 17:16

Title: Forbidden Files
Author: Zelda Ophelia (zeldaophelia)
Fandom/Character: Castle; Castle, Beckett
General info: Not mine; K
Words: 100
Summary: He's seen that file folder before. For the prompt Busted at castle100. First in the Innocent Blue Folder series.

The bullpen was empty but for a blue folder sitting innocently on Beckett's desk. Oh, he knew just how innocent it really was. He'd seen it before, peeking out of Alexis' backpack. They were up to something. Glancing around, he sat and flipped it open. And frowned, it was filled with crime scene reports. This couldn't what file Alexis had-


He snapped it shut, looking innocent as Beckett approached. She rolled her eyes, unconvinced, and snatched the folder from him. "How many times have I had to tell you to leave my desk alone?"

"Not nearly enough?"

"Apparently so."

comments at Dreamwidth.

fic challenge: castle100, fic series: castle: blue folder, tv: castle, fic, fic: castle

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