FIC: White Shroud (13/20) T

Sep 27, 2009 20:32

Title: White Shroud, Chapter 13
Author: Zelda Ophelia (zeldaophelia)
Fandom/Character: CSI:NY; Stella, Angell, Flack
General info: Not mine; T.
Content: Some chapters include discussion of sexual violence.
Notes:Written for the csi_bigbang challenge. Big thanks to eternal_sadist for the beta. This fic can be considered a sequel to Titania Falling. Sorry this chapter is so short, there just wasn't a good way to not have an overly-long chapter. Next should be up soon.
Summary: When the flu bug hits the NYPD, the detectives and CSIs work to cover the caseload. Angell, Stella, and Lindsay confront the mystery behind a body in Union Square Park. Meanwhile, Flack, Mac, and Hawkes try to determine what happened at a Rangers game and Danny deals with a case of karma. Previous parts here.

The interrogation room was small and chilly, but it seemed even smaller - and chillier - thanks to Adrian Maksimov's presence. The hockey player was huge, angry at being called to the station after practice. His lawyer sat at his side, softly advising him as Flack entered the room. Mac and Hawkes were in the observation room, watching from behind the window at his back. They had their suspect, and now it was time to make him talk.

"Mr. Maksimov, thank you for coming down to speak with us," he said as he sat across from the Ranger's player.

"It didn't sound like I had much of a choice," Maksimov said in a quiet, annoyed tone of voice.

"We just want to ask you few questions about Jarrett Elliot's death."

"Why would I know anything about that? I met the kid all of twice at the most."

"But you do stand to benefit, don't you?" Flack said, referring to the rumors of a trade.

"That is as yet undetermined," Maksimov answered, glancing at his lawyer.

"You do want to be traded to Detroit, don't you? And with Elliot gone that is more likely to happen, correct?"

"Perhaps," Maksimov shrugged. "And perhaps Steven Johansson will go jump off a cliff."

Flack raised an eyebrow. "Should we be concerned for Mr. Johansson's safety?"

"Look, all I'm saying is that nothing was set in stone before the bosses started talking about drafting Elliot, and nothing is set in stone now. Maybe there's interest in a trade. And yes, I'd be happy to leave if it happened. But why would I bother killing the kid? Just because they were going to draft him? They have first pick this round. If not him, what was going to keep them from drafting someone else in his place? Then they still wouldn't have any reason to trade me."

"Did you have anything to do with the death of Jarrett Elliot?"

"Are you kidding?" Maksimov glanced at his lawyer again before turning back to Flack. "I didn't kill Elliot, if that's what you're asking. I was on the ice to warm up before the game. Watch the tapes if you don't believe me."

"Don't worry, Mr. Maksimov, we will."


Brown Building was mostly dark when they arrived, but the security guard let them in. Stella followed Angell through the maze of hallways to Dr. Stoddard's lab, where Marcas Mahoney was just locking up.

"Detective Angell," he said, frowning as Stella took a step back in surprise, her eyes widening. "I figured that if you needed anything else you'd just call."

"Quick question," Angell asked, furrowing her brow. "Did you have any more of that hummus today?"

"No, not since before lunch. Why?" He looked at her with wide eyes, surprised by her question.

"Garlic breath," she said to Stella. "One of the symptoms. I can't believe we didn't catch it earlier. But he had a plausible reason for it. Maka even gave them both mints."

Stella was already pulling out her phone. "We're going to need to get you to a hospital."

"Why?" Mahoney asked in confusion as she and Angell started guiding him back to the entrance.

"Jacob Plank was admitted to the hospital with signs of selenium poisoning, the same way Matthew Tarleton died, and the same way Tripp Norton was being poisoned," Angell explained. "One of the outward symptoms is the smell of garlic."

"You mean--you think?" He stopped, looking at them both. "Someone is trying to kill me?"

"We think someone is trying to kill your lab," Stella said as she hung up her phone. "An ambulance is on its way."

"Where is Ivy Adcock?" Angell asked.

"Well, she went home. About an hour ago. I was just finishing up in the dishroom, so I told her to head out."

"Where does she live?"

"One of the grad dorms, I think. I'm not certain."

"I'll call dispatch to find out," Angell said, turning to Stella as they both stepped a bit away from Mahoney. "You want to go with him to the hospital? I'll get Ivy Adcock and meet you there. She'll need to be checked out as well."

"Is there anyone else working on the project?" Stella asked her.

"No, just the four of them."

"And it looks like at least three of the four have been poisoned," Stella said, nodding slightly. "If Ivy Adcock has been poisoned as well, that means the entire team was targeted."

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fic: csiny: white shroud, tv: csi:ny, tnf, fic

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