Because this is too awesome not to share. (Hence not on the writing filter)

Jul 06, 2009 21:51

See this?

Notice how that last column, which is my adjusted daily goal for the rest of 2009 to meet my GYWO goal, is in the negatives?

That's because of this:


I made my getyourwordsout goal. On the sixth of July. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.

Truthfully I wouldn't have been able to do it without the utter brain dumps that were April, January and March. (Especially April. I wrote over 61K in April. I still can't figure that out. WTF good drugs were my brain on in April? [And can I have more of them now?]) And when I realized how close I was to reaching my goal last month, I really really wanted to try for it then. But I think the break I took from writing for, well, most of the month was needed. I recharged a bit. Still not completely recharged, but better than I was even a week ago.

In other news, as you can tell in that second cap, I did some writing today. Only about 800 words were on GBB. I've also discovered I have a bit of a clothing kink. But I think I already knew that.

Anyway, had to share my news. I'm still going to go forward with the writing (I, um, do have a not yet near completion big bang fic due in fourteen days or so, and a few other challenge fic, and, um, a large number of drabble prompts collected I want to write for). I don't know if we can choose new goals for GYWO. I'm not certain how much higher I'd want to take mine, so I may just do an unofficial new goal. I'm still thinking of trying NaNo in November (hahahahaha, yeah, NaNo while teaching, writing an article or two, conference planning, doing my regular work, doing my regular extra work...). For a while I was loosely aiming (because I was so close to it) to double my GYWO set goal, but I really don't think I want to aim for 400K this year (especially since the highest goal they allow is only 350K). Maybe another 100K for the rest of the year? I think that might work. I'd like to try to meet the monthly goals (at least) each month for the rest of the year (to keep myself writing) so that'd be about right.

All that said, my brain is kinda fried and I missed (again) my zantac this morning so I've been fighting the GERD all day. I think I'm going to crash.

fic: related, gbb, gywo, squee

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