*squees* Fic!!!

Feb 11, 2009 16:51

featherjean wrote Coffee Break for me for the Valentine's Day ficathon. (Can I just comment one how much I loved this ficathon? No pinch hits needed and everyone got their fics in on time so they could be posted early!!! Sweet!) It's Flack/Angell where Flack rescues Angell from a stack of paperwork. Lovely! :X

I can also now 'fess up to writing Eventide. Danny/Lindsay, Flack/Angell, 4,400 words. The problem with dating a fellow detective is that you both rarely had the same work schedule. A night out for two sets of detectives. (Set between The Box and Rush to Judgment.) Big thanks to afteriwake for the first reading, failegaiden for the betaing and the lovely ladies at Post on Thursday for the cheerleading and handholding, even though they didn't know the fandom. *hearts*

There's also some great fic going up at the 8 Seconds Challenge (where else are you going to find fic of The Doctor regenerating in a cow sheep pie in Wales?) and the Because We're Awesome Challenge.

tv: csi:ny, fic challenge, fic

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