Holiday drabbles! (finally!!)

Jan 01, 2006 19:51

Whee! Here's most of the last of the drabbles I owe. If my brain went in a different direction than you planned with the prompt, well, it made some strange leaps at times (I blame I wrote a few of these in a dentist's waiting room... with Fox News in the background *scrubs brain*). Anyways, onwards!

Merriman having to suffer through a Christmas party where people keep trying to shove him under the mistletoe - for gramarye1971. (Pre-SotT)

Snow was falling lightly outside the window, swirling as gusts of wind blew between the buildings. Professor Merriman Lyon was suffering through a staff party. And he was trying to decide on the best route to avoid yet another female colleague intent upon catching him under the mistletoe. The fact that the ceiling was peppered with it didn't help. The decorating committee had outdone themselves again, in more ways than one.

With a sympathetic nod to Professor Watson, who currently held the attention of Miss Lemon and her insipid "Dr. Watson" jokes, Merriman slipped a little closer to the door.

"Why, Professor Lyon, you're underneath the mistletoe!" He heard an all too cheery voice declare behind him, thwarting his intended escape. Cringing, he silently cursed the centuries old traditions that had evolved into one that he and many of his male colleagues dreaded.

Grown up Ginny/Luna, making breakfast on Christmas morning. For gamps_garret (Post-Hogwarts)

When Ginny woke slowly it was to the smell of cinnamon and vanilla and pine needles wafting from the kitchen. She smiled sleepily, burrowing under the blankets as the different scents registered. Except the last one, as soon as she realized that her mum's kitchen was giving off the scent of pine needles she sat up quickly, rubbing at her eyes. Oh, right, she thought as she looked around the room. She wasn't at the Burrow for Christmas this year.

Slipping from the bed, she quietly padded into the kitchen doorway, watching as her girlfriend prepared their breakfast. She twirled in a circle, her ruffled skirt covered with flying reindeer billowing out about her ankles as she turned from one dish she was working on to another. Catching sight of Ginny, she grinned over her shoulder. "Could you put the pudding in to cook, love? So the wirzlputs don't pick out all the raisins?"

Nodding, Ginny slid the pan into the oven, turning as she closed the door to find Luna directly behind her. "Merry Christmas," she said, wrapping her arms around Ginny's neck.

"Merry Christmas to you, too."

R is asleep when S gets home. For kellie528 (mid-HBP)

12 Grimmauld Place was nearly deserted when Severus arrived, only relaxing slightly as he entered the place the Order had come to call home in these trying times. Yet another mission had come to a close, though time would tell if things would work as he wanted. Passing through to the kitchen, he poured a glass of water before moving into the parlor. Thankfully the fire was burning hot, the heat finally seeping through his body to warm him.

Unfortunately, the wolf was asleep on the couch directly in front of the hearth. Making a derisive noise, he turned to the door, intent upon retiring for the night.


A hand appeared, followed by Lupin's head as he propped himself up to see over the back of the couch, peering drowsily up at him. "You've returned?"

"How very astute," he said snidely giving Lupin a contemptuous look then sweeping out the door and up the steps. He had better things to do than to share the company of the wolf.

Regardless, Snape could fee his eyes on h im back as he continued to his room.

Zoe/Wash or something from Wash or Jayne's POV. Cold. Solitude. Festive. For maevy. (Pre-Serenity)

It was cold out in the black. Cold and lonely in a way that ate at your brain if you let the endless solitude get to you. Many a good pilot had stared into the black and been unnerved by what did, or perhaps didn't, stare back. Many a good pilot had been scared so witless that they took off to parts unknown to never be heard of again. The black was cold, piercing and angry, an unforgiving place where it was easy for spirits to die.

He has a feeling it was Inara who first noticed what was happening to the crew, to him, Mal, Jayne, the others. That it was Inara who put the bug in Kaylee's ear. And it was Kaylee who declared that it was Jayne's birthday and gosh darn they were going to celebrate. She completely ignored their crewmate as he denied it time and time again, managed to wrangle Simon and Zoe into helping her and Inara, and somehow got River thinking sense long enough to make streamers and eerie chains of cutout people garlands from scraps of papers and fabrics. Mal grumbled more than a little at seeing his ship 'prettified', but seeing his wife smiling and enjoying the newly festive atmosphere, Wash found he didn't mind at all.

Fred and George Weasley. Ooops! Trouble. Green Hair. For angelsgracie. (Hogwarts era, Pre-GoF.)


Charlie pushed his wet fringe out of his face, glaring down at his two younger brothers, one of whom had just uttered what was perhaps the most dreaded word in the Weasley household. "What do you mean, oops?"

Fred, he was the one with the trio of freckles at the corner of his mouth, took a step back as he gauged Charlie's reaction. "Well..."

He and George shared a glance, George taking a step back as well, "You see we, umm..."

"We forgot you were home-"

"Or at least that you'd be sleeping in-"

"And thought that Percy'd be next-"

"To use the loo."

"What. Did. You. Do?" Charlie asked slowly through gritted teeth, clenching his fists at his sides. He had hoped, futilely, to avoid falling victim to one of their pranks while home.

The twins just pointed in unison to the mirror over the sink before taking off and scrambling down the stairs. Turning, Charlie looked in horror at his reflection.

"Ooooh," the mirror cooed at him, "that's some lovely green hair you have."

His bellow was followed by the sound of the outside door slamming shut behind the twins.

_lore and shusu - I will be needing more time for your drabbles. As, well, they're not drabbles anymore and such. :D

book: dark is rising, fic: harry potter, tv, holiday drabbles 2005, multi-fandom, fic: firefly, fanfic100: the dark is rising, fic, book: harry potter

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