Dear Yuletide Santa

Dec 21, 2005 13:42

I love you. Like you would not believe. There's this little part of me that's going 'Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Someone's writing fic for me!!!' and dancing in circles and having a good old time. My requests are just supposed to be little hints and suggestions to get you on the right track - don't feel you have to write them if the muse takes you elsewhere. I like het, I like slash, I like gen and 'next great adventure' fic. I like dark fic if it has a hopeful ending, I like happy fic, I like plotty fic, silly fic, fic without much plot at all, really just about anything. I like my characters in character and canon to be (generally) followed. Sometimes things are fun through the eyes of minor characters - so many times we see what's going on in the main character's head that it's interesting to have another POV, if you want to go that route. Regardless, just the fact that you are into one of my chosen fandoms to write is enough to make me want to have your babies.


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