well no named asshole (NNA). While you don't deserve a responce to your idiotic comments, ill respond anyways.
Firstoff, if you really felt this way, you would tell us who you are, instead of trying to hide it. Saying things behind her back just makes you look either scared, or that you are ashamed that you are making this, either way it really invalidates all that you say. going trhough, if you have a problem with greg, you should say it to him, not to others. WTF is up with the college question, there is even less point to that then there is to the rest of your comments. Sara does have a mind of her own, the idea sara was upset with was the hypocracy involved with someone saying they would support you and then going back on it, not the fact that noone backed her up. IF you knew sara at all, you would know that she is willing to take a side even without support of others. and she didn't say she was gonna have you jumped, she said rebekka shouldn't walk home alone (a statement i disagree with, btw), she said nothing about you.
Hmm so what we have here appears to be an illiterate commenter baseing all comments on questionable third person accounts of what 'is' , who is either afraid for no reason or ashamed of his/her own comments. [sarcasm]Hmm, sounds like someone who needs to be listend to[/s]
Firstoff, if you really felt this way, you would tell us who you are, instead of trying to hide it. Saying things behind her back just makes you look either scared, or that you are ashamed that you are making this, either way it really invalidates all that you say. going trhough, if you have a problem with greg, you should say it to him, not to others. WTF is up with the college question, there is even less point to that then there is to the rest of your comments. Sara does have a mind of her own, the idea sara was upset with was the hypocracy involved with someone saying they would support you and then going back on it, not the fact that noone backed her up. IF you knew sara at all, you would know that she is willing to take a side even without support of others. and she didn't say she was gonna have you jumped, she said rebekka shouldn't walk home alone (a statement i disagree with, btw), she said nothing about you.
Hmm so what we have here appears to be an illiterate commenter baseing all comments on questionable third person accounts of what 'is' , who is either afraid for no reason or ashamed of his/her own comments. [sarcasm]Hmm, sounds like someone who needs to be listend to[/s]
Addition to end of ...
-Gamer man
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