(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 16:46

oh, life!!!!!!

my doggy is recovering from his brush with dog paralysis, and i am almost sort of getting used to graduate school. this week i have written treatments for approximately 3248902375 hypothetical feature films that basically all feature a girl protagonist and have something to do with music and neighborhoods. Our teachers tell us to write with an actor in mind, and I notice that I often have the actress who plays Kate on "Lost" in mind, and sometimes I also have Rachel McAdams or Zoe Saldana in mind. Maybe if I start thinking of other actors, I will also think of different kinds of stories.


I went out on Saturday night with a girlhood friend who lives in another city now, and her boyfriend's best friend turned out to be the housemate of two of my classmates. Weird. My friend has been trying to fix me up with him for many months and I resisted meeting him, but basically you can only go for so long before you end up going out with a bunch of gays, your childhood bff, and her boyfriend's best friend who has a nice profile (I mean a profile of the face, not a friendster profile because his friendster profile is not so great).

At first I liked him alright, but then he made some comments designed to annoy me: (1) "this place used to be cool but now it is mostly bridge and tunnel," and (2) "lesbians hate me." I have never been a bridge & tunnel-dweller in my life, but I support my sisters and brothers who live in the outer boroughs and in the fine state of New Jersey! Westchester, Long Island, New Haven, it's all good! I mean, unless you were born in Manhattan, you really cannot make jokes about "bridge & tunnel" people, because that is you, friend. And if you were born in Manhattan, like me, you are probably too busy wishing you were from an outer borough and had cred to care where someone else is from. Also, if you think that lesbians hate you, you are probably spending too much time worrying about whether lesbians hate you.


Today I went back to my old, virtually cred-less neighborhood to buy student-price tickets for my momster and I for "See What I Wanna See" at the Public Theater. I don't really know that much about it, except that it is some sort of version of "Rashoman" and Idina Menzel is in it -- basically, that is all I needed to know! I meant to buy tickets for a Friday or Saturday show, but I accidentally got some for Wednesday the 19th of October at 2 PM -- they were really good seats, and my excitement led me to forget that my mom can't go that day. Technically, I can't go either, but I am thinking of cutting class to do it, if I can find an accomplice!


I am thinking about taking a job tutoring through America Reads, but I do not really know very much about the program (AKA the politics and most importantly the pay). If any of you have done an America Reads-type thing and have info, please share!


Last night I watched the season premiere of "nip/tuck," which I highly recommend as a show, and tonight is the premiere of "lost"! I am missing "lost" due to being at work, but I am counting on the internets to supply me very soon upon returning home. HERE IS MY DESPERATE PLEA: IS THERE ALREADY A TORRENT FOR LOST PLEASE. OK OK, that's really all!!!!!!!!!
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