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Re: Probably spoilers zelda_queen February 9 2014, 05:15:10 UTC
Dear. God.

I know Elliot was the punching bag of the series. I know he continued to be painfully evul and referred to in the most dehumanizing ways possible. I know Zoey cared not a wit that he and the other Red Fledglings were murdering homeless people for their blood (but Stevie Rae being all dirty and homeless was SIMPLY TOO MUCH).

But that? That's seriously...God! Not even Becca Fitzpatrick, who killed off her Mean Girl in the most petty and pointless way possible, was so horrible as to have her Mary Sue protagonist do it! What the fuck?!?

(Making matters even worse, I still am pretty damned convinced that Elliot was based off of someone one of the Cast ladies knew and were pissed at.)

Oh shit, dare I ask what Erin does? Although looking after the Hidden Epilogue and seeing her dating the Evil Ex, I can already see all stops were pulled on making her an asshole.

Are the normal humans she murders those black guys in Chosen? Or does she actually off more people? O_o

Yeah, I know about Kaolan. Holy fuck, I KNOW KAOLAN. And there will be words in that sporking. >(

I think a justifying edit wouldn't be amiss, at least to clarify what he does. :/


Re: Probably spoilers hela_morpheus February 9 2014, 06:07:58 UTC
The Elliot stuff feels VERY personal. I can't help thinking he was based on some student dear old mum had to teach and he annoyed her. In Zoey's defence (bleurgh!), she doesn't swing the axe, but she doesn't care either. The whole thing comes of as the new boss 'wasserface-whose-name-I-can't-be-bothered-to-remember' doing a show trial to make herself look good and show how 'strict'.

Maybe if I'd read this when I was younger, this sort of stuff wouldn't bother me, but I'm in my 20s and my younger sister is now these characters age. If any of the stuff that happened to Elliot, Erin, Venus, and to a lesser degree Kayla and Heath, had happened to her I would be devastated. All of Zoey's 'villainous' schoolmates are just 16 year old kids who have been forced by their bitch goddess into a situation that they shouldn't have to deal with. Hey Cast's, guess what? Teens change as they grow up. As an adult I was actually friendly with the girl who cut a chunk of my hair off on the school bus!

Zoey offs more normal, humans. Some guys attempt to mug her and she flat out murders them in retaliation. You can argue self-defence, which is obviously what the Casts were going for, but it falls flat with me when the protagonist is a super strong, fast, Avatar wannabe. Also, I'm a law student. Basically, your retaliation in a case of self-defence has to be 'within reason'. Purposely killing someone for 'give me all your money' with abilities they had no hope of defending themselves from? Good luck arguing with that.

Erin doesn't do much of anything in this book. Her crimes are the stuff you listed from the previous book, being hesitant to do the ritual and thinking maybe Zoey's way isn't all that. Cue the blood sprouting.


Re: Probably spoilers hela_morpheus February 9 2014, 23:33:51 UTC
And now I remember whose in charge: Thanatos. Who's only memorable thanks to a certain purple Titan from Marvel. Well, now that and executing three teenagers,


Re: Probably spoilers zelda_queen March 14 2014, 01:51:39 UTC
Yeees. :/ My guess had been that he was someone who annoyed Kristin in school. Either way though, killing him off is just petty.

It's not just you. The world in the House of Night is arguably more nightmare fuel-ladened than the one in the world of Twilight. I mean, consider:

- Anyone can turn into a vampire. There's seriously NOTHING you can do about it.

- Apparently modern science sucks enough that there's no way to counter or cure the transformation, so if your kid turns into a vampire? You HAVE to give them up. If you try to keep them with you so they can keep at their normal life, they'll definitely die. Of course, there's also the good chance they'll die while hidden away in Vampire Boarding School, which leads to...

- The adult vampires obviously don't care about the children. They don't encourage mourning the dead or anything. They just expect the students to sit down and shut up about their friends bloodily dying, before shipping the dead student's things back to their family. Given that the zombified vampires are seen around later, we can probably take that the bodies of the fledglings aren't even returned.

- The vampires actively teach the newcomers to cut ties to their friends and family who are still human. They teach them that humans are hateful and shallow and stupid. They basically train the students to turn on everyone they once knew. They also train the students to immediately worship THEIR goddess and follow THEIR rituals. There's nothing about accommodations for students who still want to follow their old religions. Of course, Nyx is Better and is real, unlike that silly false MALE god, so yeah.

- There's at least one instance in the series of the vampires covering up one of them murdering a human. Yes, yes, the human was an asshole victim and the vampire who did the murder fed the others a story about it being in self defense, but the vampires were implied to have known it was a lie and still made no effort to cooperate with the police.

So yeah, from the perspective of the humans, no freaking WONDER they fear and hate the vampires!

Oh Christ, that's horrible! Yeah, there's no reason Zoey couldn't have run or dodged or had the earth stick his feet to the ground or whatever. And I'm sure it's just brushed under the rug and forgotten. You know, even if we WERE to buy that Zoey's murders were justified, killing someone is a pretty psychologically shakey thing. That Zoey is in no way troubled by the fact that she KILLS people is VERY disturbing.

Oh lord. Were this any other series, I'd think that would be intended as a moral for all of them, to not break up with friends over petty arguments because you don't know how long you have. As it is though...yeah. (Although I'll bet that the Cast ladies are planning to bring back Erin, like with Stevie Rae).


Re: Probably spoilers star_dragon5 September 24 2014, 14:36:01 UTC
Hell yes to all of this. And you know what else? It sucks harder to be male in this universe than it does to be female in the Twiverse. Lilith save us.

P.S. In the handbook, they say Nyx is called Nyx-Sekhmet in Egypt. How's THAT for a mythology fail?


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