ZeldaQueen: Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time. With Marked having been slain, we must now venture forth into the vile wasteland that is Betrayed. And mother of God, is this a stinker! We get all of the same obnoxious characters, horrible behavior, dead herrings, and forgotten plot as before, and now with even more Mary Sue fanfiction cliches! So let's dive right on into Betrayed!
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
ZeldaQueen: And...apparently the Suethors can't wait to actually start the acknowledgments before giving us this
We would like to dedicate this book to (Aunty) Sherry Rowland, friend and publicist. Thank you, Sher, for taking care of us. Even when we're high maintenance and annoying (and especially when you give us "treaties"). We heart you very much.
ZeldaQueen: "Treaties"? "Aunty"? What? And please tell me I'm not the only one getting annoyed their their insistance of using the "we heart you" phrase in all of their author notes
As usual, we want to thank Dick L. Cast,
ZeldaQueen: - the unfortunately named
Dad/Grandpa, for knowing everything biological
ZeldaQueen: *cough*bullshit*cough*
and helping us with stuff.
Thank you to our amazing agent, Meredith Bernstein, who came up with the fabulous idea that began this series.
ZeldaQueen: A fabulous idea which basically badly cribs from Twilight and Harry Potter
We would like to thank our St. Martin's team, Jennifer Weis and Stefanie Lindskog, for helping us create such a wonderful series.
ZeldaQueen: Blu wat?
In particular a big WE HEART YOU
ZeldaQueen: As opposed to a small “we heart you”
to the talented artists who designed such beautiful covers.
ZeldaQueen: …Dude, not to knock on their talents, but it’s not that hugely impressive. The covers are all one picture with the title superimposed over. A lot of people on the internet do things like that for personal amusement
And we'd like to note a special acknowledgment to Street Cats, a cat rescue and adoption service in Tulsa. We support Street Cats (and actually adopted Nala from them!) and appreciate their dedication to and love for cats. Please visit their Web site at www.streetcatstulsa.org for more information. If you're interested in giving to a pet rescue charity we promise that they are an excellent choice!
ZeldaQueen: This actually is relevant to the story, believe it or not. Very loosely, very badly relevant, but relevant nonetheless
ZeldaQueen: - who really need some writing lessons
I would like to send thanks out to my high school students who 1) beg to be put in these books and then killed off,
2) provide constant comedic fodder for me,
ZeldaQueen: (Cast ladies) “Dance, my little monkeys! Dance for my amusement! Ha ha ha!”
3) and will actually leave me alone sometimes so I can write.
ZeldaQueen: “I mean, gawd, why do you peons keep fawning over me? Get out of my godly presence once in a while, why don’t you?”
NOW GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Oh, and expect a quiz.
ZeldaQueen: How charming
ZeldaQueen: Blu what? Was that message from Kristen. Kristen is teaching high school students? I don’t even…
Onward to:
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